Chapter 8

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Geneva Police HQ, Geneva, 9:26 pm

LaRusso's Chrysler came to a screeching halt outside the Geneva Police HQ. Police escorts arrived the moment the Chrysler entered just as LaRusso and Broderick exited their parked vehicle.

"The two suspects, where are they?" demanded LaRusso as he continued, eager to meet them. "They've just been brought in from Pâquis," informed one of the escorts.

As they entered, LaRusso stopped in his tracks. Broderick did the same.

"This way, sir."

The two of them followed the police escort. He led them to narrow passage, with several doors on each side. The clear glass panes gave a clear view of the busy offices.

Finally, the escort stopped in front of a room. Inside was a table with two chairs. On one chair sat a young woman, possibly in her twenties or thirties. A brunette.

LaRusso held the knob of the door when paused. He turned towards the officer. "Where's the Inspector? Silvestre?"

The officer looked perplexed, "He isn't here."

"Why?" LaRusso's orders weren't followed. He had specifically asked for the inspector to be present. Which annoyed him, he wasn't used to this. No one had even dared to defy his orders back at Interpol, it seemed a whole new world to him over here.

"He's on his way to Vienna." The reply confused LaRusso. "Why the hell is he going to Vienna?"

The answer hit him like a blow to the chest.

"Because" he paused, "Those were your orders."

* * *

Vienna International Airport, Vienna, 9:37 pm

The Cessna Citation X+ smoothly landed on the runway of the Vienna International Airport. The screeching of the tires against the runway annoyed Mohammed. For some reason, he never got used to high pitched noises.

Gradually, the humming of the engines died down, relieving Mohammed of his pains. The entrance of the jet popped open like a hatch. From the entrance emerged Subramanian, followed by Nicholas, Mohammed and at last Giggs.

The night sky was lit up by several lights, from the airport, aircrafts and the city itself.

"Nicholas, do I own a house, penthouse anything over here?" asked Subramanian. He lost count of how much residential property he owned and their locations.

"Not here sir, no." The man replied.

"Well looks like we're going to have to book suites for a night or two." Subramanian didn't seem too upset for not owning anything here. Giggs gave himself a light laugh. Subramanian was speaking as if he kept a million Euros in his pocket.

"Suites?" Giggs wanted to know why he would want several ones. Subramanian, who was facing away from him turned towards the man. "I'm not sharing one with you." Subramanian made his point clear.

Giggs turned his head towards Mohammed, who shrugged. He rolled his eyes. Rich people.

* * *

After several minutes of hard work, Sadowsky finally managed to open up the zip of the bag he was in. The bag had holes in it to ensure his survival.

He wriggled out of the bag. He steadily got up and looked around; he was in a private jet. All the windows were shut and the aircraft was dark. He ran up to one the seats and pulled up the window's cover.

He took a look of the view outside. It has to be Vienna. Aircraft were taking off and landing. The sky was dark but the lights from the city shimmered with brilliant exuberance. He ran to the other end of the jet and took a view of that end. Over there, he spotted four figures. Three of them were easily recognizable, Subramanian was one. He saw the other two back at Geneva, the fourth one was old, wrinkled and was dressed like a servant. Probably that rich guy's.

Sadowsky crept down to avoid being spotted. He had never been stuck in such a situation before and therefore didn't know how to react or what to do.

The servant approached the aircraft on Subramanian's orders. Oh shit. Sadowsky crouched down and hid below one of the seats. The door popped open to let in the man. He walked up towards the end of the aircraft, where the bag was.

As soon as the man walked past him Sadowsky leaped in the air and made a run for it. The old man whirled around almost instantly, as if he had predicted that the event would take place, "Stop! Stop intruder!"

His calls alarmed the rest. One of the men jumped into action as soon as he saw Sadowsky on the run.

Giggs reached for his pocket while he was in pursuit of Sadowsky. Damn! He might be old but he runs fast. He drew out his revolver and aimed straight for the intruder.

Subramanian panicked when he saw Giggs draw his revolver. Hell no.

Giggs pulled the trigger of his revolver. The deafening gunshot rang in everybody's ears.

The bullet whistled past Sadowsky's ears, missing him only by centimetres.

"Oh my God!" he let out just as he felt the bullet whistle past his ears. That's it. He dropped to the ground. Dirtying his clothes, which must have cost a fortune but he couldn't risk his life any more.

This was the first time Sadowsky was trapped in such a situation. He didn't know how to react, but he knew one thing for sure, that he would die if he wouldn't cooperate with these people, regardless of they were or what they were capable of.

Subramanian and Mohammed caught up with Giggs. Subramanian grabbed his arm, clearly infuriated, "You bloody idiot! You could have killed him!" he cursed. Giggs had no reply for what he had done. He had taken a huge risk by pulling the trigger. They needed all the information they could extract from him and they could have lost it all if it were not for Giggs' inaccuracy and inexperience with the gun.

Mohammed approached Sadowsky, grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up. "Let's get out of here before someone calls the police" suggested Subramanian. It was impossible for such a loud gunshot to go unnoticed. He already spotted a few people gathering around, it wouldn't be long before the authorities would arrive.

Almost instantly, Nicholas arrived in a Mercedes Sports Utility Vehicle. Giggs raised an eyebrow, "how did you-" he stopped in his tracks and then shook his head. Never mind.

* * *

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