See - Saw Friend

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Children usually like to play a lot.

A young girl also liked to play in the park near her house.

One day she was all alone in the playground when a small boy of about her age came out from behind the bushes.

They became friends.

He introduced himself as Ted.

Ted and that girl's favourite was the see-saw.

On one side sat Ted and on the other the little girl.

The little girl told her mom about her new friend.

She listened intently.

Everyday the little girl, after coming back from the playground would tell her about Ted.

One day the little girl's mom was on the terrace.

She was intrigued by her daughter's new friend, so she decided to take a look at the playground from the terrace.

What she saw horrified her.

She saw her daughter sitting on one edge of the see-saw while the other was empty.

And this half occupied see-saw was actually going up and down.

Ted was a ghost.

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