Red Hole

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A/N:- Not Mine.

There was once a man who was on a tour to countryside. On his first night he remembered that he have forgotten to book a hotel room. Somehow he found a dilapidated hotel in that town.

He went there. The receptionist informed him that the hotel was full and only one room was vacant, which cannot be given to him because the room next (which was permanently closed) was haunted.

The man refused to believe in all that and pushed it aside saying that it was utter nonsense. He bribed the receptionist and got that room.

In that room there was a hole. The man looked through that hole. He saw a beautiful lady playing a piano. For three days whenever he saw through that hole, then he would see the same lady playing the piano. On their last day before checking out, he again saw through that hole.

At first he could clearly see that lady playing the piano. But suddenly he saw nothing and only blood red color. He couldn't understand what happened and irritated he went out.

Before giving the keys to the receptionist he asked why the room next to his was called haunted.

The receptionist told him that in that room once a beautiful young woman came to stay. She was a piano teacher by profession.

In the room, in which the man had stayed was where her ex-lover stayed. He drilled a hole in the wall and used to spy on her. One day that lady found out what her lover had been doing and just before she could complain about him she was murdered.

The peculiar thing about her was that that her left eye was blood red.

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