Chapter Twenty-Three

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It's kind of funny to think that a person like Asher would work at a furniture store. It's even funnier convincing him to take me there. Eventually he agreed, but he still didn't think that I should go on a Sunday when there were only for hours when the store was open.

We drove in the car for about a half hour. Asher thought he was funny when he was lip syncing to every song that came on. And he only knew about three fourths of the ones that came on. So the others we just random guesses of lyrics and over exaggerated hand movements.

"So why a furniture store?"

"It was Carter's father's. He gave it to me, because I was the son he never had. Carter never got along with him and I thought he was just the nicest person."

"Wow, that makes a lot of sense," I said louder than I meant to.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, um nothing."

"Tell me or else I'll call you pet names in front of my customers."

"I was just going to say that it makes sense the way Carter is. I mean, he abuses the relationships that he is in because he never knew that you don't have to force people to like you. It makes me almost feel bad for him."

"Do you think he abused my relationship?"

"Ha, you were the first one. An easy catch to start his years of deceiving."

"But I still ended up with you."

"And two years in jail for something you didn't do."

"Okay, maybe you're right."

"Maybe? I wasn't even the one you fell in love with. You've been deceived twice Asher."

"But you are the one I am in love with now. And I thought it was really adorable when you called me 'Ash'. I kind of miss it."

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"Saying what?"

"That you love me." It was weird just to think that he felt that way.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"Yes." I said it like it was obvious.

There was silence in the car until we got to the furniture store. We arrived ten minutes before it was opened. He put the key in the lock, but paused and turned to me.

"I don't love you because I think you were Emma. I don't love you because I have to. I love you because you were strong enough to take her place and because you were the one with me then. And you are the one with me now. I love you because you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, even if it has been under the worst circumstances."

"I-" I stuttered.

"You don't have to feel the same way. At least not now. I hope that will change soon, but I know that you've been put through so much."

Asher showed me a tour of the large building filled with tables and chairs and couches and recliners. There were just so many pieces of furniture everywhere. But no one really came to look at them. I guess that is the reason Asher is the only worker here.

The four hours went by extremely slow. I swear that I sat on every couch, at all of the tables and in every single chair. There was a large front room and an even larger back room. It was time to close up at 4:00. Only six people came, but four of them were together.

"Are you thing what I'm thinking," Asher asked.

"If you are thinking Hide-&-Seek, then yes." I smiled.

"Well, I was gonna go with Tag, but sure."

"We both know that I'm faster anyway. After all, I did outrun you two years ago."

"I let you get away."

"Yeah, mhm. Just go count you idiot."

"We are going to re-enact that when we get home."

"Just go count."

He went to turn around the open sign on the door. Then he faced the wall to count. I knew exactly where I was going to hide, but I yelled at him to make sure he wouldn't look. I went into the backroom and found this crease between two couches that I could fit in. I squeezed in between them and waited for Asher to find me. It seemed as if he were counting "Mississippi's" to one hundred.

I smelled something burning, so I peeked out of the couch. The only thing suspicious was this long wire that crossed the entire floor, but I just figured it had something to do with the layout of the building. I didn't pay much attention to the smell until it got worse. Then I climbed out of my hiding spot to discover the building was catching fire. I looked down at the little wire as sparks flew through it, spreading the flames around the room.

"Asher," I screamed again and again.

I was frozen, I couldn't move. There was fire everywhere, surrounding me. The only thing I thought to do was scream his name. I didn't hear him call my name back, but it could have been him who set the fire. I didn't want to believe it even if it was true. I just wanted it all to be over with. I accepted that this might be my last day alive.

"Asher," I called out desperately.


Tears came to my eyes when I heard his voice. He ran past all of the burning furniture. To save me. When he was closer I put my arms over his shoulders and hugged him tightly. I loosened my grip to step back. After looking at him for a few seconds, I leaned forward and kissed him. He pushed away from me.

"I don't think," he said, "this is the right time for this."

I didn't say anything, I just pulled him in to kiss him again. He didn't stop me this time. Well, at least not at first anyway. His face was touching mine when he whispered to me.

"Does this deserve an 'Ash'?"

"I'll call you Ash whenever you want."

I kissed him again, one last time before he suggested we get out of there. I kind of forgot that we were circled by a ring of fire. He picked me up and we exited using the back door. He laid me in the backseat of the truck and we drove home.

"Are you alright Ellie?"

"Thank you Ash."

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