Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Okay, so if I make this, you have to kiss me for two minutes." Asher held the piece of cereal between his first finger and his thumb. He brought back his arm and threw the Apple Jack towards my mouth. "That's not fair, you moved."

"Liar," I laughed and popped one piece of cereal in my mouth.

"Come here," he retaliated, and pushed himself off the couch.

"No," I playfully screamed.

I grabbed a small handful of Apple Jacks and threw them all at him. I got off the couch to get away from him and get a better aim. He had the same idea. He threw a handful and I ducked, but some still managed to hit me. We went back and forth like that until we ran out of them. Then it became a game of tag.

We ran around the couch a few times trying to avoid or capture the other person, but mainly it was me running from Asher. There was a pile of cereal on the hardwood floor, so when I passed it, I slid quickly then proceeded to fall on my face. Just my luck. I happened to hit around the same spot on my head where Asher and I collided. There had already been bruising in that area, and this didn't make it any better.

I turned to lay on my back, and I feel one of my ribs aching. Asher came over and kind of hovered over top of me. I pushed gently on his shoulders and he rolled over, so now I was on top of him. My hair was hanging from the left side of my head, not long enough to reach Asher while I was looking down at him. I saw a green Apple Jack to the right of me and I picked it up, sticking it between my front top and bottom teeth. I smiled at Asher with the cereal in my mouth and he smiled back.

"Hang on, I need a picture of this," Asher said, still smiling.

He took his phone out of his pocket and took the picture. He smiled again and I just let Apple Jack slide into my mouth while I gave an unconvincing smile. I moved away from Asher and sat on the floor.

"Why did you take the picture?" I didn't want to look at him.

"I just wanted us to remember these moments," he responded.

"Don't lie to me, Ash."

"I just wanted a picture in case I never see you again." He made his way closer to me, but I already knew the answer before he spoke, so I moved away.

"Why would we never see each other? Asher, what are you talking about?"

"Emma, you have a family that loves you. Your mom. Your dad. Jenna. Luke. People who can actually call you Ellie and get your attention."

"I don't know what you're trying to tell me. I mean, you love me and you can call me Ellie."

"Can't you see that I'm not right for you? I don't want to keep hurting you."

"After all of what you've done, this is what you tell me." I am hurt and tears start forming in my eyes.

"Emma," he paused.

I got up and walked to his bedroom, shutting the door as I passed. I laid on the bed and stared into oblivion. I didn't know how to feel. Asher came in and laid down next to me.

"You love me Em?"

"Yeah, I love you."

He moved in closer and put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead and told me I didn't mean it.

"Why are you saying that I don't mean it?" I was to the point of yelling.

"Love can't be forced. I put handcuffs on you. I made you stay here. Remember the scar on your stomach? I did that to you. You love me because I'm the only one here with you."

"That's not true. Yes, any other time before now I would have admitted that you scared me half to death. But all that time we spent together has changed me. I know we can't leave here because people might overreact and separate us. I know and I'm okay with it because I love you."

"Do you promise?"

"Of course, I promise."

We laid in silence for a few moments. I knew everything I said was true, that Asher meant the world to me and not just because I've lost contact with the outside other than Avie and Carter. Yeah, I missed Jenna, and Luke would sometimes cross my mind, but I can't help but feel that they've stopped looking for me.

"So," Asher says. "You admit that I definitely would've caught you if I had actually tried?"

"No way, I ran faster and you know it," I retaliate.

"There's only one way to find out."

"Bring it." I wink at him.

We both got off the bed and went to the living room to get ready. I told him that he had to act it out, like when I hit him over the head with a vase. He said he would've blocked it if he would have wanted to. I laugh sarcastically. He agrees to do it anyway.

"Okay," I say. "Ready to eat my dust."

"As if," he laughs.

He lays on the ground, pretending to be hurt. I feel uncomfortable with reenacting this scene, because the circumstances aren't quite the same. Although, it's kind of fun at the same time. I stand by the door ready to go.

I sprint as fast as I can to the right of the little cabin into the woods. Last time it happened I ran to left, so I figured I would switch it up. I heard footsteps coming up behind me and I ran even faster than before. I didn't stay in a straight line to avoid being caught by Asher.

The leaves crunched beneath my feet and the sun beamed through the tree branches. It was the perfect day. I felt free and raised my hands in the air. I took a deep breath, looking around for Asher. I didn't hear any leaves crunching when I stopped. Did he stop running after me? Is this his way of letting me go? All of a sudden I hear footsteps again. I ran faster again until the noise went away again.

"Asher," I yell. "Asher."

I look around for him, because I'm getting a little worried. I don't see him and I don't hear any footsteps anymore. I yell his name again before I feel arms holding tightly around me. I sigh of relief. He turns me around and I wasn't expecting any of this to happen. I screamed with tears forming in my eyes. He held the rag soaked in chloroform over my mouth and nose. It all got a little blurry.

The last thing I thought before passing out was his name. Carter.

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