Say Something ✔️

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"Y/N please wake up. I didn't mean it I'm so sorry" Shawn cries.

I could hear him but I couldn't say anything back. Shawn and I had gotten into a fight which resulted in him calling me clingy. If only I didn't drive away in a haste... maybe things could've been different.


"Hey Shawn" I say...... Silence

"Shawn baby are you ok-" I say but get cut off.

"Y/N could you just leave me alone for a bit please? I'm busy." Shawn says annoyed.

I give him a hurt look and decide to go into the kitchen.

After about 5 minutes I heard Shawn go upstairs, so I go into the living room to watch tv. When I get to the couch I notice Shawn's phone laying on the table.

We don't keep our phones away from each other so I just decide to read on what's keeping him busy lately. Maybe if I understand, I won't feel as frustrated with his lack of attention lately.

I get into his phone and it immediately opens up on his and Camila's messages. I look through their texts and tears begin to well up in my eyes.

Shawn walks in the room as the tears finally begin to fall.

"Why?" I ask. I have no energy for anything else at this point. My heart has known something like this could... would happen. It always does.

"Why are you reading my texts!" He says with anger as he walks over and snatches it out of my hands.

"Because you seem to be so distracted lately. I just wanted to understand so I can feel more understanding of your time with me being disrupted." I cry.

"How could you? After knowing how scared I was of things like this? After how I grew up? How could you do this to us?" I cry, barely able to contain my sobs.

"Well maybe if you weren't so fucking clingy, I would hang out with you instead of spending so much time with someone else." He states.

Immediately after he finishes his sentence he  realizes what he said and looks regretful but, he already did the damage. He fixed a heart he didn't break, only to completely shatter it in the end.

"Ok. Then I'm done. I genuinely hope she's worth it." I say choked up as I put on my shoes and grab my keys and purse.

"Wait baby, please don't go. I'm sorry." He says sounding shaky and scared.

"I can't stay. You knew how hard it was for me to trust someone after what my father did to my mother, and you still chose to entertain something with someone who wasn't me. I can't stay for that Shawn. I can't." I say through my sobs.

The next thing I know I'm getting into my car with Shawn banging on my window begging me not to drive like this.

As I drove away my cries got harder, as did my speed. I shouldn't have driven away. I should've waited until the tears were gone. I should've gone the speed limit. I should've looked to my left and not just my right. I should've screamed. But I didn't. I accepted this ending. I welcomed it. Anything was better than this.

(Flashback over)

Now I'm here in the hospital. In a coma. Completely out and unstable, but I can hear everything. Even the things my heart doesn't feel like it can handle.

"Y/N please say something" he cries

"I'm so sorry baby. This is all my fault" he says for the fifth time since being here.

Everything goes silent besides an occasional sniffle.

As the silence stretches, I feel like I'm slowly losing my hearing. It's fading. I'm tired.

The next thing you hear is

Shawn's POV:

"No Y/N. Please baby, don't leave me. I need you." I cry out.

"I'm sorry sir but she's gone" states the doctor sympathetically.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I failed you." I sob as I lay my forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry but you probably should go now. We need to prepare her for other arrangements." the doctor says with remorse.

"Please be careful with her" I say.

"Yes sir" he says.

As I walk out I see her mother down the hall receiving the news. Watching her fall in a fit of sobs breaks me even more. I did this. Her mother was already broken by Y/N's father but I just ruined her. Shattered her. This is on me.

I walk away, unable to bring myself to talk to her, and face the fact that I have to begin a life I never wanted to have. One without my person next to me. The person I broke, failed, killed.

'I'll love you forever' I think with one final thought.

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