give me love

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(Joya's POV)

"Joya Please!? The fans would love it." Shawn begged.

"I said no Shawn. I get hated on enough as it is. The last thing I need is to post a video with you singing. They'll rip me apart. No, I'm not doing it." I stated crossing my arms. He walked closer to you, and pulled you close to him nuzzling his face in your neck.

"Please...? For me?" He whispered, placing a soft kiss against your neck. You couldn't say no to him when he was like this, and he knew that. You looked at him analyzing his face. You could tell he really wanted you to do this, but you were scared. It didn't matter that you were a good singer people would still hate on you, because Shawn is yours and not theirs.

You sighed in defeat, and the biggest smile appeared on Shawn's face.

"You'll do it?" He asked you smiling. He laid a hand on your cheek and stepped closer to you. You nodded looking down.

"Hey," He whispered. You looked up at him and locked eyes. "When we post this. I want you to stay off of the social medias for a little bit. I know what they are saying is complete crap, and you shouldn't believe anything that they say, but I know that it hurts you, and I hate seeing you hurt." He told you leaning in and planting his lips to yours. Your lips fit together like a puzzle piece. Shawn was your other half and you'll be darned if anyone tries to take him from you. You laid your hands on your chest and pulled away looking into his eyes.

"I think we have a song to sing, mister." You winked pushing him away by his stomach. He grabbed your hand and took you down to his office. Fan posters covered the wall, and you couldn't help but smile at them. Yeah most of them hated your guts, but they were his fans, and they supported him in everything that he does. Just like you.

"Wait here. I'm going to go get the camera." You nodded and watched as he left the room. You couldn't imagine how you got so lucky but you did. People like Shawn only come around once in a lifetime, and if you pass up the opportunity to be with him, then you're shit out of luck. I will never love anyone as much as I love that boy.

Shawn came waltzing into the office with his guitar and camera in his hand.

"Will you hold this?" He asked holding out the guitar. You took it from your hands, and played a few chords. Of course Shawn taught you a few, but you still didn't know how to play. You strummed the strings, producing an off key sound. You heard Shawn laugh and you looked up. He just finished putting the camera on the tripod.

"Don't laugh at me, Shawn. I'm trying!" You whined. He shook his head and kissed you on the forehead, before taking the seat next to you.

"I'm not laughing at you, babe. You're just to adorable. Try pressing onto the strings harder." He taught you. You nodded and did as he said, producing a sound that sounded just right.

"I did it!" You cheered. He smiled at you and took the guitar from your hands.

"Good job, baby!" He smiled. "What song do you want to sing?" He asked and you shrugged your shoulders.

"What's your favorite song right now?" You asked looking at him, It was as if a light bulb went off in his head, and the smile grew on his face.

"Give me Love, by Ed Sheeran." he told you and you agreed. He turned to the camera, stealing a quick glance at you.

"You ready?" He asked, and you took a deep breath before nodding. He squeezed your hand in encouragement, and pressed the button, starting to record.

"Hey guys! My name is Shawn Mendes, and today I'm joined by lovely girlfriend Joya" He introduced, looking over at you and smiling.

"Hi everyone!" You smiled, waving at the camera.

"Today, we are going to do a cover of Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. If you like it please give it a thumbs up.." He took over like the pro he was at this.

He started strumming the strings, playing the melody perfectly. Your voices intertwined perfectly, at just the right moments, and you couldn't help but smile at how happy you felt.

You looked over at him smiling as you sang together. He continued strumming, and looking at you.

You took over for the next verse, hitting all the right notes. He joined back in with you at the chorus.

"Oh give me lovee."

He finished the song, and took a quick glance at the camera.

"Thank you." His raspy voice was like a drug. A drug you would never get used to. You smiled at the camera, waving goodbye.

Once he finished recording and putting the camera away, he grabbed both of your cheeks in his hand and slammed his lips onto yours.

Your lips moved in perfect sync, and when he pulled away, he left you gasping for air.

"You sang amazing, baby." He complimented you.

"So did you, as always." You rolled your eyes, leaning in to kiss him again.

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