life of the party (part 2)

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"Y/N?" Shawn said.

You immediately hung up the phone and began to cry. He had left you unable to think of words to say. He still had that effect on you, and hearing his voice brought back old feelings you had for him.

-A week later-

"Y/N, I'll meet you in 10." Your best friend Dean said through the phone.

"Okay." You replied. Dean ended the call and you got ready for lunch. There was a knock on the door 5 minutes later and you quickly ran and opened it.

"Shawn..." You whispered, the shock of his presence lowering your volume. You hadn't seen him in a year, since the break up, yet he still took your breath away. You wanted him to wrap his arms around you and for things to be okay again, but that wasn't going to happen.

"Can I come in?" He asked, snapping you out of your daze.

"Oh, um.. Yeah, sorry...come in." You stuttered. He walked into the lounge and you followed behind him. You sat down beside him and memories of your days together came flooding back.

This was your opportunity to ask him about the song, but when you looked in his eyes, you forgot the words you wanted to say.

"Y/N, I miss you. There, I said it and I totally understand if you don't feel the same, but when you called me the other night I realized that I gave up on you... On us, too quickly. I love you so much Y/N and I'm putting my heart on my sleeve right now but you are worth it." He said, maintaining strong eye contact.

Tears came to your eyes, mirroring those in his eyes. You couldn't lose him, not again.

"Shawn, I-" You were cut of by a knock on the door.

"Y/N, are you ready?" Dean yelled. Shawn's face fell.

-Three weeks-

"Y/N! Shawn's in hospital." Aaron called you, panic evident in his voice. Your heart sunk.

"W-what happened?" You asked.

"I don't know, just get here. He specifically told me to call you."

"Oh okay. I'll see you there." You replied and hung up.

You realized, the last time you had seen him, he confessed his love, but you broke his heart by allowing him to assume you were with Dean.

"Y/N." Aaron hugged you and lead you into Shawn's room.

"I'll leave you two alone." He slipped out of the room.

"They're taking out my appendix." Shawn slightly laughed, not bothering to look at you.


"I thought I was gonna die Y/N, and you were the first person that came into my dang mind." He sounded amused, but he looked devastated and weak.

"I'm so sorry." You whispered.

"Why did you call me Y/N?" He asked. You contemplated saying it was a mistake, but you decided to tell the truth.

"Life of the party. Is it about us?" You asked.


"You heard me." The silence after that was deafening.

"Yes." He simply stated.

"I love you Y/N. But you didn't give me a chance. You couldn't even give me a reason! Do you know how much that hurts!" He cried.

"Yet when I thought I was dying, I still wanted you! How messed up is that?" He sounded mad at himself. You were about to reply, when the doctors filled the room and took Shawn away for surgery.

"I love you, but I'm weak." You whispered in the now empty room.

When Shawn came back, you had to explain everything.

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