Death Could Not Hold You (Pt. 1) ✔️

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I didn't fully understand what was going on right now. All I knew was Shawn was packing his bags to leave me – leave me for someone else.

"Shawn." I whispered.

"Don't try and convince me to stay, Y/N, I've made my decision. It's not going to work. I'm sorry." He said as he packed the flannel you bought him for his birthday last year.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I nodded. Tears blurred my vision and I wiped at them harshly. I watched Shawn shove things in his bag, so eager to go. It hurt, it really hurt.

"How long were you seeing her when we were together?" I murmured, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"A few months." He answered quietly as he reached over to grab his iPhone charger.

My face crumpled in pain. We'd been together for five years, and he was throwing it all away for a woman he met a few months ago.

Am I really that bad? Was he so dissatisfied with me, with us, that he cheated on me and is now leaving me to be with someone he barely knows?

"What did I do?" I choked out.

He stopped what he was doing and turned to face me. "What?"

"What did I do wrong?"

He frowned slightly. "Nothing, Y/N, this isn't your fault."

"Then why are you leaving me?"

He sighed. "I found someone else. Someone who makes me feels things. New and good things. You can't deny that we haven't lost our touch with doing things together. We never go anywhere, see anyone, hell we never even just sit down and spend time together here."

My hands moved to my stomach as if to hold myself together, his words so hurtful that I feared I'd fall apart if he'd spoke anymore. Of course there was someone better, someone who could make him happier than me. There always was, always will be. Someone skinnier, prettier, funnier, healthier, adventurous... the list goes on and on. But the list of my qualities only had one and that was loving him more than life itself. No, we didn't go anywhere anymore, but it's because our jobs didn't allow us to travel. We didn't see anyone because we moved away from everyone we knew to start fresh. He wanted a clean break for his new music. We didn't spend time together here because in the last few months since moving here, he's been gone all the time. Now I know that it's because he was with her.

I couldn't bear to be in his presence any longer, so I left. I went into the kitchen and leaned on the table, putting my head my hands. What he was doing was horrible. I wished he would've spared me the details and just left. I'd rather he'd just left.

"Y/N." I turned my head the sound of his voice, not knowing whether to hate it or fall harder for it, even while knowing this very well could be the last chance I ever get to hear it.

"What?" I muttered, fiddling with my fingers and turning away from him.

"I'm... I'm going now."

"So go." Why was he dragging this out? It's only more painful for me.

"Do you want to talk about anything?"

"What is there to talk about?" I asked as tears filled my eyes.

"We haven't discussed living arrangements. This is my apartment."

"It's mine too." Both of us pay rent and bills, I don't see his point.

"But Hannah and I... we may decide to live here. Her lease is going to be up in a few weeks."

I closed my eyes as a few tears fell down my cheeks. He's talking about kicking me out of my own home so he and his new girlfriend can live here? Where would I go? My parents don't live here and I have to be here for work and school. I can't afford to live anywhere else, not on top of tuition fees and car payments.

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