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You hadn't realized you were staring at someone till they looked back at you and smiled which made you blush and looked the other way.

Why were you blushing? Because this someone was you crush since the beginning of freshman year, Shawn Mendes. You've had class together every year and unfortunately this year you had your least favorite class together so you often found yourself staring at him instead like a creep.

Finally the bell rang releasing you from this hell hole called U.S History.

You were about to walk out the door when you heard your name called and stopped to turn around to see who called you, and when you saw you thought you were completely seeing things

Behind you stood Shawn and god he was so cute up close

"It is Y/N, right?" You nodded "Yeah, um Hi" "So I know we never really talked much but I think you're really cute and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out sometime?"

Was this really happening now?

"Um y-yeah sure I'd love too" you gave a shy smile and he smiled back at you, "Awesome, give me your number and I'll text you?" you nodded then he gave you his phone and you hesitantly put your number in his phone then handed back

"Cool, I'll text you later" he smiled and all you could do was smile and nod like a love struck fan girl.

Later that night you were sitting by your computer doing last minute homework when your phone vibrated telling you that you had a text.

You picked it up off your desk and looked at it

"Hey, It's Shawn"

You smiled and your heart started beating faster

You replied "Hey :)"

"What's up"

"Hw :( lol you?"

"Just talkin to a u wanna go out Friday night?"

"Sure; sounds great"

"Great how's dinner at 8?"

"Perfect :)"

"Awesome so I'll see u 2mm?"

"Of course"

"Cool, good night y/n"


You put your phone down and squealed you were going on a date with Shawn; you couldn't freaking wait you just hoped you didn't screw it up by being too socially awkward.

Eventually Friday night came and now you were waiting for Shawn to come to your house, you guys were walking to some restaurant that wasn't to far from your house.

You were nervous you've basically been dreaming about this since your freshman year began and yes you knew how weird that was but hey you couldn't help it you were a teenage girl who was lonely and crushing on a really cute boy.

Finally your door bell rang and you waited a few minutes before getting up to go answer it so it didn't seem like you were sitting in front of the door, which you kind of were but he didn't need to know that.

You sighed and tried to calm yourself before opening the door

You smiled at him "Hey"

Shawn smiled back you " look great Y/N" you blushed "T-Thanks, you too..." "So you ready?" you nodded then stepped out of the doorway shutting the door behind you.

When you got there you had told him you were going to the use to the bathroom real quick and he was gunna go get your table.

When you got back from the bathroom Shawn was arguing with the person who handled reservations.

"Um...what did I miss?" You asked him

"I swear I made reservations like 10 minutes after you said yes to tonight and they said I never did" "They probably overbooked or something and because you're a teenager they think they can just make you think you never did" "This was not how this night was suppose to go" "It's okay" "No its not" "It is, to be honest I'm not that hungry and I'm sure we could find something else to do" "Are you sure?" you nodded "Yeah" you grabbed his hand which shocked yourself but you just went with it because he didn't pull away "Come on"

"Are you sure you don't wanna go home? I am a terrible date" You shook your head "No you aren't that wasn't your fault" "So you aren't bored?" "Nope"

"Well good because I really like you and I don't wanna mess this up" You knew he wouldn't do anything to mess this up but you on the other hand could for sure do some damage.

"You won' on the other hand well the night is still young" you both laughed "What could you possibly do worse than screwing up dinner reservations?" he asked you

"I could just be the socially awkward freak that I am" you said honestly and he laughed "You're not a freak, you're shy lots of people are" "That's true" "I mean you know how long I've been wanting to ask you on this date?" "No" "Months" "R-Really?" he nodded and stopped walking and faced you

"Yeah, I just wasn't sure if I was...your type" "What do you mean? I didn't even think you knew my name better yet I didn't even think I was your type at all" "We've always had class together you're always the smartest everyone knows who you are" you smiled and looked down "Not really but...thanks" "Y/N I know you think you're invisible but you aren't, I always knew you were there"

He's so perfect

"You're perfect Shawn...Oh my god I just said that out loud didn't I?" you said feeling like a complete idiot, he smiled at you "Yes you did and thanks" "That's exactly what I meant by me being a freak"

A few seconds later he was kissing you...wait Shawn Mendes you crush since freshman year was kissing you better yet he was your first kiss.

He pulled away and you couldn't hold back your giggle "Was that too soon?" he ask you "Not at all" he grabbed your hand again "Good" "...That was my first" he kissed you again "That was your second, Y/N I really like you" "I really like you too" "I wanna keep hanging out with you" "Same" " I think we should finish out first date then worry about out second" you laughed "Sounds great"

You guys might not be doing much but it was still a lot of fun, you liked talking to him and you wanted to know him more, you really hoped you didn't do something stupid again like saying he was perfect out loud although he is perfect...perfect for you.

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