our days

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(Your POV)

I sat on my boyfriend of a year's bed, and watched him as he strummed on his guitar. I smiled at the twinkle in his eyes, knowing he really loves what he's doing. I swayed back and forth, watching carefully at the way he placed his fingers on the strings.

Once he finished, I clapped politely, making him smile.

"You know I wouldn't mind learning guitar." I said absentmindedly. I twiddled my thumbs, thinking about how cool it would be to play the guitar with Shawn.

"I can teach you." He told you, his eyes lighting up at the idea.

"You would do that?" You asked raising your eyebrows.

"What do you mean? Of course I would, baby." he told you moving the guitar out of his lap and grabbing onto your hand. He pulled you closer and spun you around.

"Here, sit between my legs." He told you sitting on the bed, leaning his back against the wall. You positioned yourself in between his legs like he told you too, and looked back at him.

"Now grab the guitar." He instructed. You leaned forward, grabbing the guitar by its neck, and leaned back into Shawn. You could feel his toned abdomen against your back, making you smile at how safe you felt with him.

The guitar sat in your lap, and Shawn wrapped his arms around you, taking your hands into his large ones.

"Okay, since you're right-handed, your right hand," he started shaking it slightly making you giggle, "is for strumming." He took your hand making you strum all five strings. You nodded your head.

"Your left hand," he started doing the same thing, "will be pressing down on the strings to change the sound.  " Let's start with the A chord."

He guided your fingers to the right place, and you strummed down. The sound wasn't horrible but it didn't sound good either. You could feel the redness rush to your face.

"Oh lord. That was awful." I laughed hanging my head down. He placed a subtle kiss on your neck for encouragement.

"Well you knew it wouldn't be perfect the first time you did it, right?" He smiled pecking your cheek. "Try again."

You nodded, and put your fingers back to where he showed you. You felt him lay his hand on your knee, watching your fingers. You pressed down on the strings, and strummed down with your thumb.

"Was that better?" You asked, and looked over your shoulder at him. He smiled and nodded.

"Now try the G chord." He told you. You looked at the strings blankly.

"How do you do that?" You asked. He laughed and positioned your fingers.

"Now strum." He told you guiding your hand down. It sounded perfect.

"I think you're getting the hang of this, babe." He told you smiling.

That's how you spent your day. Shawn would show you how to play a chord, then you would play. Everything in this moment, was perfect. It was just you and the love of your life, and you wouldn't change a thing.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now