Goblet of Fire: Harry I

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"I have some news for you," Dumbledore said, looking somber, "Voldemort has an older brother."

"Blimey!" I yelled, exchanging shocked glances with Ron and Hermione. "How did we not know of this before?"

Hermione nodded, looking like she was itching to get a pile of books to solve the mystery.

"He lives in America, and I did know of him before, but I thought he died because he disappeared before World War Two. Voldemort's brother goes by their mother's last name, Maria di Angelo. He is currently staying in Manhattan, New York. We need to get him and possibly his family here so that they can be safe from Voldemort." Dumbledore said.

"But he's, like, I don't know—evil?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"One such as yourself should know better than to judge others because of their family." Snape sneered, "But then again, hypocrisy seems to run in your family."

"Well–Well at least I wash my hair!" Sirius spluttered.

"Potions fumes, idiot." Snape rolled his eyes, "You try being around potions fumes and not having your hair be covered in a protective potion. Let me guarantee you that the cross-contamination will cause for some part of you to spontaneously combust." He gave Sirius a cursory glance, "Although I don't see much that shall be missed."

Before anyone could say anything, Snape stood up. "I shall be taking your leave now," he said to Dumbledore, "Poppy said that her potions are running low." He stalked out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him.

"I would totally be missed," Sirius sulked, pouting in an extremely childlike manner.

"Of course, of course." Dumbledore patted Sirius' hand in a comforting way. "Who wants to come with me to retrieve Nico di Angelo?"

"Me!" Hermione raised her hand, a gesture reminiscent of her days at school. Even though it was the summer, some of her habits remained.

Hermione lowered her hand, a light flush on her face. "I mean," she cleared her throat, "I would like to accompany you."

"Very well," Dumbledore nodded, smiling at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Since Hermione's going, we should go too," said Ron, looking at their bushy-haired friend. He moved closer to me so that he could whisper in my ear in an unsubtle way, "In case she needs to be protected from Voldemort's evil brother," he added in a lowered voice.

I personally thought Hermione could protect herself perfectly fine, but Ron was my first friend. I felt conflicted but ended up nodded in agreement. "I'll come too,"

"Great!" Hermione grinned at us. "This is absolutely fascinating! Imagine what insight we may get on Voldemort! I wonder what this Nico di Angelo is like?"

"You can psychoanalyze him later." I laughed, "We should probably go get him now."

Dumbledore nodded, "I suppose this is everyone that wants to come then?"

I looked around, "Probably?"

  "I want to come!" Sirius said excitedly. "I would be super good at getting the dark wizard to come with us!"

  Dumbledore looked surprised, although the emotion disappeared quickly, so I wasn't very sure what it was. "I think it would be much safer if you stayed here—protected this place? Let me remind you that you're technically on the run from the Aurors."

  Sirius' face fell, "Aw,"

  "But you can be such good help!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, seeing his crestfallen expression. "I need some help around the house, could you do that for me?" A conniving glint appeared in her eyes, "I would do it myself, but I'm afraid I'm not tall enough."

Nico, Voldemort's Older Brother (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now