Nico V

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It was the next morning and after an uncomfortable night on the cold, hard floor, plus some demigod nightmares about Tartarus and Bianca, I was pretty cranky. So it wasn't a real surprise I snapped at Lupin, who had come to get me.

"Hello, Nico. Sleep well?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I slept well, nothing better than a cold floor and some nightmares." My voice dripping with sarcasm. "Should I add harassment to the list of charges that are going to be stuck to you? It's getting quite long, isn't it? Assault and battery, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, trespassing, harassment, child negligence, child abuse, and I'm sure more will arise."

Lupin had the nerve to look guilty. "Sorry, Nico. I didn't realize you didn't have a blanket, I told Ron to bring you one, he must have forgotten."

More like purposely forgetting and hoping I would freeze to death, I thought. "So can I have some food or water?"

"Yes, that's what I came here for. To unlock you and bring you down for breakfast." He unlocked me and led me out of the room, and down some stairs.

The bright light blinded me and made me realize how dark it had been.

I blinked, trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. When my vision cleared, I was standing in the doorway of what looked like a dining room. In the dining room was a table and around it were three red-headed boys, one of them being from yesterday. One redheaded girl, two red-headed grown-ups, Harry, Dumbledore, the girl from last night, and a man that kind of looked like a skinny, pale, grown-up version of me if I had curly hair.

"Hello, you must be Nico!" The redheaded woman said, "I'm Molly Weasley, these are my sons, Fred, George, and Ron. This is my daughter, Ginny, she's the youngest." Fred and George were the redheaded twins, Ron was Harry's friend, and Ginny was the redheaded girl.

"Hello, my name is Hermione," The girl that's friends with Harry said, "and this," she pointed to old, skinny me, "is Sirius Black, but don't worry, he's innocent."

I wondered why I would worry about Sirius Black. Something told me that it was a long and complicated story. "So when do we go to school?" I asked.

Ms. Weasley glanced at the clock (the regular one, not the one with names) and gasped, "We have fifteen minutes!" She Apparated (whatever that was) us to King's Cross Station (Definitely Britain).

"So how do we get there?" I asked.

Fred (or was it George?) turned to me. "We run through this wall of course." Then he ran through the wall, followed by everyone else, I decided it was safe and ran through it as well.

I came out in an identical station as before except there was a bright red train pulled up, along the train was what looked like to read: Hgwodfs Espexs.

I got on the train and tried to find a seat, after wandering around a bit I finally found Harry's compartment.

"—they probably don't talk about important stuff in front of him. . . ."
Laughing once more a blond kid, and two other kids brushed past me, then the three of them disappeared.

I walked in. "Can I sit here?"

Hermione nodded. "Sure, Nico."

The rest of the train ride passed in silence, which was shocking due to my ADHD and the amount of sugar I consumed (magical candy was the (second) best!).

When the train finally stopped, I rushed off and was greeted by the sound of thunder. Sighing, I followed the rest of the kids and we were lead to carriages, that were being pulled by skeleton horses. That's new, I thought.

When we got inside the castle, that I was glad Annabeth didn't see. A witch told me to follow her to wait to get "sorted".

I zoned out after that until they said: "Di Angelo, Nico!" I walked into the hall and there was the ultimate decider of my fate: a freaking hat.

Dumbledore told me to sit on a stool and placed the hat on my head, to my surprise it started talking!

"Hmm..." Said a voice in my ear. "Where should I put you? Very impressive mental barriers, can you put them down?"

No, I thought.

"Then I can't sort you," the small voice said.

But I might scare you.

"Don't worry"

We argued for about ten minutes—causing a hatstall, everyone was staring at me talking with the hat in silence.

Fine, then I let down the walls and everything came crashing down; Tartarus, Bianca's death, etc.

"Ahhhhh!" The hat screamed. "Get me off his head! How are you still sane? So much blood and death! Gryffindor! Even if he is an Heir of Slytherin! Get me off his head! He is braver than all of you combined!" Then the hat fainted, everyone was staring at me.

Dumbledore took the hat off of me and told me to sit at the same table that Harry's sitting at. When I walked past him, he glared at me, so I glared back, he turned pale.

"Well, that was exciting," Dumbledore said, "I would like to say that there—"

I zoned out, when was the food coming? I wondered. I didn't really like eating, but playing with my food was a lot more fun than listening to some old man talk.

After a very long speech about a Triwizard Tournament, food appeared on the table.

I wondered where I would do my offerings, I walked over to Dumbledore and whispered that my religion stated that I had to burn food at every meal. He nodded and an alter appeared in front of where I sat.

I scrapped part of my food in the fire and whispered prayers to Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Hecate, and Athena.

After dinner was finished, we went to our rooms, I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I was watching from someone else's point of view. I saw someone talking to another guy with a snake, then he turned around. The man's face was missing a nose, and his eyes were red—they looked pure evil. He shouted the strange words: "Avada Kedavra!"

Then I woke up.

Nico, Voldemort's Older Brother (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now