Serena XIII

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When me, Selena, Nico, and Hermione burst in the great hall, everyone turned and faced us. My siblings and Hermione each left to their house tables and I walked up to the teacher's table. Severus raised an eyebrow at us in question.

"I'm sorry I missed part of the school year, but I was unable to attend because I had been too sick. Now I am better, I would like to enroll to Hogwarts." I explained.

Dumbledore nodded, "That's perfectly alright, Professor McGonagall, can you please get the sorting hat?"

Professor McGonagall, a legacy of Athena, went to get the hat. When she got back, the entire hall was silent with anticipation.

She placed the hat on my head, then it started talking!

"Hello, I am the sorting hat." A small voice said, in my ear. "I am going to look in your memories, so I can sort you."

I grimaced, prepared for thousands of years of memories to flash through my head. On instinct, I went into the deepest recesses of my mind and placed my mental barriers.

"Well," said the voice. "I'm afraid you have to lower those barriers, if I'm to sort you."

I cringed. I didn't want to live those memories again, but slowly, carefully I let down my walls.

The hat shrieked, "Ravenclaw!" then fainted. As Professor McGonagall lifted the hat off, looking bewildered, I walked to the Ravenclaw table, throwing my smiles here and there until I took a seat beside my sister. Some idiots from Gryffindor were staring at me and I smiled at them, playfully waving my fingers.

"That stupid hat," Selena muttered into my ear as Professor Dumbledore made a dramatic speech about the weighing of wands. "It just doesn't know when to quit, doesn't it understand that after living for thousands of years, a person will have a lot of memories and knowledge?"

"I know right." I whispered back. "But for now let's not think about the fact that the hat should be tossed into a fire. We might as well eat while we can."

Me and my sister scooped platters of fruit, made magical altars for our sacrifices. Then, we ate. "Those two boys," I said, gesturing to Ron and Harry. "Don't know when to mind their own business."

Selena snuck a sly glance at the two boys. "Can I please turn them into jackalopes?" She asked, vigilantly keeping in her giggles as Ron spilled butterbeer all over his robes. "Just this once?"

I smacked myself in the forehead. "Oh, go ahead."

Selena grinned and waved her hand in their direction. Instantly, Harry and Ron were turned into bunnies with antlers, flopping on to table. Selena burst out laughing along with everyone. "Much cuter now," Selena said with a smirk. "I believe Cho will find Harry more attractive now." She gestured to a pretty asian girl sitting a bit farther down the table.

I giggled. "It's too bad they don't have Quidditch this year. We would be able to show Harry up big time!"

Selena laughed, "Of course we would, after all, he's a boy."

I finished my dessert and added wistfully, "I wish we could have been in the tournament. I would love to beat the other schools, especially Durmstrang. School spirit and all that."

"You're too competitive," Selena stated, raising an eyebrow. "I doubt the other champions would survive you."

"Hello Selena, your sister has a interesting aura.... Do you happen to be from another time?" The girl sitting next to us asked, in a dreamy voice.

Selena smiled, "Serena, meet Luna Lovegood—daughter of Apollo—she has the gift of prophecy, people think she's crazy, but it's actually the future she's talking about."

I blinked, startled. "Actually, yes. I am from another time, how did you know?"

Luna shrugged, "Not sure, something with the way you talk and your air of confidence."

"Wow, that's amazing." I said, "you are really good at this!"

Selena nodded, "She's a better seer then Professor Trelawney, that's for sure."

"Who's Professor Trelawney?" I asked.

Selena pointed at a woman sitting with the teachers, "She's the teacher for Divination. Although, the one true prophecy she's ever said, ruined Harry's life."

Now I was really curious, "How?"

"The prophecy states that a boy, born on the thirty-first of July, will bring the end of Voldemort." Selena explained, twirling her wand around. "The ones that fit the quota were Neville and Harry, he tortured Neville's parents into insanity, and killed Harry's."

"Oh, so Nico's brother is really bad?" I asked.

She nodded, "He's really, really, really, bad! Think of Adolf Hitler plus a Snake, that's what Voldemort's like."

I grimaced, "Another person obsessed with that stupid pure-blood stuff?"

"Yep, even worse—he's a hypocrite, he's a half-blooded wizard. But he despises muggle-borns and half-bloods." Selena said grimly.

"Half-blood? He's a demigod?"

She shook her head. "No! He's a half-wizard, half-mortal—or muggle, as wizards call them."

I rolled my eyes. "Let me get this straight. He's a half-blood who hates half-bloods or anything less than purebloods? That's just messed up."

Selena agreed. "I know right? It's not surprising that people hate Voldemort, but that's no reason to—" Whatever she was going to say would have to be finished later, for suddenly, Ron and Harry walked over to where we were sitting, a teacher must have made them human again.

"Hey pretty ladies! Want to come sit with us?" Ron tried to flirt with us.

"Uh, no thanks. One, you're a boy! Two, you are not our type! Three, you're annoying! Four, you're a jerk! Five, we're way out of your league! Six, we've sworn off boys!" Selena yelled. "Take a hint!"

Her yelling had attracted others to the scene and Ron's ears turned as red as his hair. Harry smacked himself in the forehead, pretending he was just a bystander and the two walked quickly back to their table.

I flipped my hair and the boys began staring at us. I rolled my eyes. "Nothing to see here! We are off limits!"

Just then, Dumbledore clapped his hands, "Students, go to your dorms!" everyone stood up and began trotting out of the Great Hall and up different flights of stairs.

"So, what should we do?" Luna asked, once we had entered our Common Room.

I shrugged, "We rest today, tomorrow we spy on the weighing of the wands."

Luna smiled, "Nice idea, but how are you going to spy on them?"

Selena smirked, "This way," she closed her eyes and when she opened them, she was a iridescent blue and purple butterfly.

"Cool! You can shape-shift?" Luna asked,

I nodded, "Yes, technically, we're Frank's cousins. But that's kind of awkward seeing that we're descendants of our cousin."

Luna grimaced, "That is awkward!"

I shrugged, "Can we go rest now? Luna's only human."

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