Nico XIV

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It was the morning of the Weighing of the Wands, I had just walked to potions, when Harry and Ron has started a fight with Malfoy and his goons.

Severus had just stopped the fight, now Harry and Ron were making fun of him.

"Stop it!" I yelled, "Can't you see he's trying to be fair? Right?" I glared at the son of Hecate.

"Obviously, Mr Di Angelo, I was trying to be fair, but seeing that they were rude... Let's see," he said, in his silkiest voice. "Fifty points from Gryffindor and a detention each for Potter and Weasley. Now get inside, or it'll be a week's worth of detentions."

After everyone went in the room and sat down, he began the lesson.

"The Drought of Living Death!" said Severus, looking around at them all, his cold black eyes glittering unpleasantly at the offending duo. "Begin!"

I glanced down at the textbook Severus had given me, it had very thorough steps.

1. Add the Infusion of Wormwood.
2. Add the powdered root of asphodel.
3. Stir twice clockwise.
4. Add the sloth brain.
5. Add the Sopophorous bean's juice.
6. Stir seven times anti-clockwise.

  Then I looked at the notes in Ancient Greek, I could recognize it as Severus's elegant handwriting.

1. The Sopophorous bean should be crushed with a silver dagger, not cut, releases juices more efficiently.
2. The juice from 13 Sopophorous beans should be used, rather than 12.
3. Stir anticlockwise seven times and clockwise once instead.

I smiled, Very clever Severus, giving me a handbook with the right steps, written in Ancient Greek. But I don't need them.

I placed the book in my bag and started the potion without looking at the steps. I looked around the room, no one was watching me. I waved my hand over the cauldron of water and the previously clear liquid became a pale lilac color, then became a really pale pink color.

I raised my hand, "Severus, I'm finished!"

The Gryffindors all gasped, probably thinking I would be killed. The Slytherins all giggled, probably thinking the same thing and wanted me to get in trouble.

To their evident surprise, Severus didn't murder me, he stopped walking in front of me and dropped a leaf in the Drought. "Refrain from using my first name during school hours, Mr Di Angelo." He drawled.

The leaf that had gone in my potion, upon contact with the pale liquid, immediately disintegrated.

Severus smiled at me, with a smile so small, that only I could tell he was smiling. "A perfect Draught of Living Death. And within a couple of minutes... however did you do it? Five points to—"

He was interrupted by the door slamming open, a boy walked in.

"Colin!" Harry whispered, exitedly.

"Yes?" said Severus curtly.

"Please, sir, I'm supposed to take Harry Potter and Nico di Angelo upstairs."
Severus stared down his hooked nose at Colin, whose smile faded from his eager face.

  "Potter has another hour of Potions to complete," said Sevvy coldly. "He will come upstairs when this class is finished. Di Angelo, you may go upstairs."

Colin went pink.

  "Sir — sir, Mr. Bagman wants him," he said nervously. "All the champions have got to go, I think they want to take photographs. . . ."

"Very well, very well," Severus snapped. "Potter, leave your things here, I want you back down here later to test your draught."

"Please, sir — he's got to take his things with him," squeaked Colin. "All the champions —"

Nico, Voldemort's Older Brother (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now