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Breakfast was a very noisy affair at the Gryffindor table on the morning of the third task. The post owls appeared, bringing Harry a good-luck card from Sirius. It was only a piece of parchment, folded over and bearing a muddy paw print on its front. A screech owl arrived for Hermione, carrying her morning copy of the Daily Prophet as usual. She unfolded the paper, glanced at the front page, and spat out a mouthful of pumpkin juice all over it.

"What?" said Harry, Ron, Draco, Luna, and Severus together, staring at her. Harry and Ron scowled at Draco, who ignored them.

"Nothing," said Hermione quickly, trying to shove the paper out of sight, but Ron grabbed it. He stared at the headline and said, "No way. Not today. That old cow."

"What?" said Harry. "Rita Skeeter again?"

"No," said Ron, and just like Hermione, he attempted to push the paper out of sight.

"It's about me, isn't it?" said Harry.

"No," said Ron, in an entirely unconvincing tone.

Pansy shouted across the Great Hall from the Slytherin table. "Hey, Potter! Potter! How's your head? You feeling alright? Sure you're not going to go berserk on us?"

"Miss. Parkinson! Watch how you speak!" Severus shouted, to the surprise of Ron, Harry—probably everyone except the demigods.

Severus sighed, sending us a telepathic message. I knew I should have raised Harry, his adoptive family is horrible. And it's all my fault, I'm the cause of my sister's death....

It is not your fault! Selena hissed.

Severus sighed sorrowfully. It is, I gave Tom the prophecy.

I rolled my eyes, It's Dumbledore's fault, he's the one that possessed Tom. Professor Trelawney would've told him. Anyways, he was there.

I suppose, but I still blame myself. If only I was the secret-keeper for them, if only I read Peter's mind.... Severus trailed off, lost in thought.

Serena shook her head, "It is no one's fault, but Albus's. If it was anyone's, it's ours. We should have protected them better, they could have gone to New Rome."

"Guys!" Luna exclaimed, "It's none of your faults! It's the fault of Dumbledore, not Selena, not Serena, not Severus, and not Tom's! It's Dumbledore's fault, that Harry's an orpha—" She stopped, her eyes glowing gold.

Draco gasped, "Is she having a vision?"

Serena nodded.

Luna's eyes opened. What was once gray, was now golden.

"Inside the labyrinth, holds the key
To fall or to achieve victory
The strifeful one holds the flower of Asphodel
Three saviors, risen up from Hell
Cursed position filled once more
Within the mysteries, a locked door
The choice is made, to save or kill
Saved with not strength, but a battle of will
The dog, stag, rat, and wolf meet their ends
Friends become enemies and enemies become friends
There will be war, it will be fought
In the room of prophecies, that time forgot
The Angel's brother must be changed
Or the world will be destroyed by the one that is strange
Strange's child, hidden away
May be one, that can save the day
War is inevitable, that is fate
With the help of the ones, that stopped evil date."

With those final words, Luna collapsed. Thankfully, the twins had made a bunch of pillows appear, under Luna.

"Is she going to be ok?" Hermione asked, tentatively reaching out to Luna.

Nico, Voldemort's Older Brother (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now