Nico III

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I woke up in a dark room with my feet chained to the wall, wondering where I was.

"You're awake!" Harry exclaimed.

I looked up, startled. "What am I doing here?"

"You are here because you didn't come with us, so we had to use some other ways," Harry said, which gave me a feeling of dread.

"So you kidnapped me? Where am I?" Although I knew I was about to get the answers I wanted, I just wished I had gotten a chance to tell Percy and his mom where I had gone. They must be going crazy—Especially since Percy had disappeared last year.

"This is my best friend's home." Harry didn't even look regretful that I was chained to the wall. "Sorry we chained you up, it's for security reasons." He said with obvious sarcasm.

I glared at him coldly. "And how am I a security risk?" I was definitely a security risk, but how did they know it?

"Well, you are related to Voldemort, so of course you're evil." Harry shrugged.

"I just heard of him for the first time today! Why would I be evil?" I protested.

"Well—um, because you're related to him, it runs in your blood," Harry said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So you're saying because my grandfather's brother is evil, I'm evil too?" I blinked, surprised at how idiotic it sounded.

Harry nodded, and I felt like sticking him in Tartarus. "Fool, you shouldn't judge people because of their ancestors." I knew that, especially because of my barrage of 'evil' ancestors (Kronos and Gaia, just to list a few).

"I'm not a fool! I'm the only person that defeated Voldemort!"

I rolled my eyes "Voldy-Shmouldy, the fact is: I. Don't. Care."

"Well, you should care. I'm way better than you. By the way, did we tell you you're being forced to come to Hogwarts?"

How dare these mortals force me to some wizard school. "Tell them I'm not going and that this is... let's see? Unlawful imprisonment, kidnapping, slander, assault with a chair..." I knew the law books that Annabeth had handed to me to 'catch up on the times' would come in handy someday. "Need I go on?"

He smirked, "Too bad, you don't have a choice."

Before I could use an awesome comeback at him, the door flew open.

"Is he awake yet?" A man asked, which instantly made me on my guard. "Who are you?"

He smiled at me "My name is Lupin, Remus Lupin." Then he wrinkled his nose. "Something smells strange, is Snape here?"

Harry shook his head. "Why?"

"It must be my werewolf senses,"

I tensed, on the verge of summoning my sword and killing him. Getting answers was worth less than living.

"Snape smells very similar to Nico, weirdly like buttery bread."

A werewolf! Why wasn't he attacking me? Didn't he know I was a demigod? "Why am I here? I demand an answer!" At least they didn't take my jacket, or else they would've seen my scars.

Lupin looked surprised. "Harry didn't tell you?" He sent a light glare at Harry, before turning back to me. "You're here because your grandfather's brother is evil and you might be in danger, Nico. The chains are so it will be harder for you to run away and tell the rest of the muggle world about magic."

"What's a muggle?" I asked.

"A muggle is a non-magical being, seriously? Do you know nothing about the wizarding world?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, duh."

Lupin frowned, "So how are you supposed to catch up to the rest of the fourth years?"

"Fourth years? What the heck is a 'fourth year?'" I asked, suddenly thinking of the perfect thing to say. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto."

Lupin looked confused at my words, then sighed. "At Hogwarts, there are seven different—what do you call it—grades?"

"Oh," I said, why was he being so nice? Wasn't he supposed to try to kill me?  "So I'm supposed to go to this Pig Farts because I'll be protected from my evil great-uncle or something?"

Lupin just nodded, while Harry glared at me like he wanted me dead. He probably did, but I doubted he would be able to even give me a paper-cut.

I stuck my hands in my pockets. "Can you tell your pet Harry to stop glaring at me? It's really annoying."

Lupin turned to Harry. "Harry, can you stop glaring at him?" He turned back to me. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with him. He's usually not like this, maybe he's sick or something."

Harry looked like he was about to burst. He scoffed, "Maybe I'm sick? Don't you know who this is? He's related to Voldemort! You know, the guy who killed my parents? He's evil!"

"I am not evil! Just because I'm related to him doesn't mean I'm evil!" I retorted.

"Yes, you are! Just admit it, Death Eater!"

I grew silent, then started laughing. "Death Eater?" I fell on the floor laughing, the chains digging painfully into my flesh, but it was worth it. For dramatic purposes. "Who would want to eat Thanatos?"

"Death Eaters are Voldemort's followers. Who's Thanatos?" Lupin asked.

I stood back up, "Oh, that's cool." I said offhandedly, inside I was still laughing about the Death Eaters eating my half-brother. "What's he taste like? Dirt? Because let me tell you—the dirt in cemeteries doesn't taste good. I prefer Happy Meals."

"'That's cool?' See! I told you! That proves he's a Death Ea—"

I cut him off, "For the last time I am not a Death Eater! Plus I think he would taste horrible!"

Lupin looked at me weirdly, "Who's he?"

I too late realized my mistake and tried to make up a lie "I—Um—He's my brother—An—And we sometimes joke that he's death—yeah." Even to myself that sounded pitiable.

Lupin raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Uh—So what's this about a school?" I tried to change the subject. "Because let me just tell you, I have a pretty bad record with schools."

Fortunately for me, Lupin took the bait. "Hogwarts is a school for Witches and Wizards, you'll be in fourth year. That is the same year as Harry and his friends, he can help you in school."

From the look on his face, it didn't look like I would be getting any help from Harry anytime soon. I didn't want to get help from him anyway if his stupid questions were any indication of his intelligence.

"School starts tomorrow, so I'm not sure how you're going to get your stuff." Lupin continued.

"My stuff?"

"School supplies, and robes."

"Ok, can you unchain me now?" I gave Lupin my best innocent look; like I wasn't planning to kill him if he ever tried eating me or my friends.

"We'll probably let you out tomorrow, don't worry."

I was going to roll my eyes but thought better of it. It was best to not antagonize the people that had kidnapped me and taken me to what sounded like Britain if their accents were any clue. I decided to play along for a while, maybe they had weapons that I and other demigods could use.

If Hades knew about the Moldy-Mort, he would probably just send me back anyways. He didn't really take well to people trying to achieve immortality. I was usually sent to take care of such cases.

Nico, Voldemort's Older Brother (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now