Serena XIX

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We entered the Great Hall and sat at our usual places. Unfortunately for Draco, he was alone at the Slytherin table.

Selena looked over to Draco being harassed by Pansy trying to flirt with him. "Let's sit with Draco today. I think we need to save him from The-Girl-Who-Cannot-Take-A-Hint."

I giggled, "Good idea, let's make ourselves go back into our natural forms and introduce ourselves by our loving mother, Emily Black.

Selena flipped her hair and smirked. "Good thing we were ahead on those stupid pureblood traditions."

I nodded and we walked over to the Slytherin table. "Draco, can we sit by you?"

He nodded, obvious relief showing in his gray eyes. "Yes,"

Pansy scowled, "Who are you? Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Mudblood?"

I raised an eyebrow her, "I am offended! I am Serena Alimari, previously Serena Black!"

Pansy scoffed, "As if, if you're a Black, who are your parents?"

Selena smirked, "Emily Black and Hades Di Angelo."

"Di—Di Angelo? I thought that pureblood family died out in four-forty-three B.C.!" Pansy shrieked.

I rolled my eyes, "If they died out, how are we alive?"

Pansy sighed, "I don't know. Can you prove you are who you are?"

Selena nodded, "We're in the family tree of the old manor, even though the tree said we died a long time ago. As if we could die that easily."

"Why did the tree say you're dead?" Draco asked.

I shrugged, "I renounced their family after they betrayed us and accused us of either, murdering Lili, or not keeping her safe. Seriously. Who puts two ten-year olds, in charge of a eight-year old? Especially when said eight-year old wants to see the world outside of a cave filled with dangerous creatures!"

Selena elbowed me in the stomach, Don't give out any clues that might make people think we're from a different time.

I nodded and elbowed her back. I know, don't worry. "So, how are we to believe you, if you are who you say you are?"

Pansy sputtered, "I am Pansy Parkinson! This is Draco Malfoy!"

"Well duh, he's our nephew." Selena replied, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, look! Sev is coming!" I squealed, pointing at Severus, who was striding towards us, scowling.

Pansy looked at us with what she must think is a haughty and superior look. "Snape can authorize our pureblood status for you. He can also tell us about you as well."

"What is wrong?" Severus asked.

Selena shrugged, "Nothing, except people not accepting us being from families, more pure than they."

Severus sighed, "Miss Parkingstin, please refrain from accusing people. I can assure you, Selena and Serena are from the line of Di Angelo and Black."

I rolled my eyes, "Isn't that obvious, Sev? People this generation might be worse than our last one."

Selena nodded, "Alas, only thee knows how annoying the last one was."

I smirked, "Wrong era, Silly."

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Whatever, let's go to the potions room, I want to brew a potion that keeps boys away. After all, the Yule Ball is in two weeks. I would prefer if no one tries to ask us out." Remember when we came here with Beauxbatons? And the time we pretended to be exchange students from Mahoutokoro, the Japanese wizarding school? It's so annoying that boys seem to still try and flirt with us.

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