Severus XVII

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I walked in the Hecate Cabin, Cabin Twenty. And was immediately tackled by Lou Ellen, the only person there.

"Severus!" She yelled, "Where were you? We thought you were dead, for god's sake!"

I winced, "I'm sorry, mother sent me on a quest to use my powers better."

Lou Ellen smiled, "My powers are still stronger!"

I smirked, "I doubt that, I have been training with wizards."

She gasped, "Not fair! I have been begging mother to let me go to Hogwarts for years!"

I grinned. "Well, too bad. Did I mention I'm teacher at Hogwarts? Most of the students are dunderheads though."

She pouted, "It's not fair! Why can't I come?"

I shrugged, "I'll ask Chiron if you can come with us, I'll tell Albus you're my niece or something."

She gasped, "Albus? As in the Albus Dumbledore? He's a legend! He's the only non-descendant of Hecate, to be the Headmaster of a magical wizard school!"

I winced, "Yes, that Albus." I must let her know, that her idol is a manipulative coot.

"How's Harry Potter? What about Voldemort? Is he dead yet?" She asked.

I gulped, I had been hoping she wouldn't ask that. "Please don't kill me, but I'm kind of a Death Eater?"

"What! Severus Snape! You are so dead!" She yelled.

I quickly apparated out of the cabin, into the Big House, interrupting what seemed like a counselor's meeting.

"Severus!" Chiron exclaimed, "You're alive!"

Practically everyone else stared at me. "Who's that?" A girl with a lot of feathers in her hair asked.

"I am Severus Snape, cabin twenty." I said, I hoped I wasn't going to make any enemies on my first day back.

"Hi Severus Snape!" A boy called out, standing up on his chair. "I'm Leo Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme! Can I call you Sevvy?"

I resisted the urge to sneer at him. "Valdez, you absolutely cannot call me Sevvy."

He grinned, "Oh well, I tried. So, how did you manage staying in the outside world so long? Are you Roman or Greek?"

That question caught me off guard, "The Romans and Greeks, they've made peace?"

He nodded, "They've had peace since the war ended."

"What war?" I asked.

"The war with Gaia, of course! Have you been living under a rock?" Valdez said cheekily.

I rolled my eyes, "Valdez, I have not been living under a rock. I have been living in a castle."

"Ooh, a castle!" He exclaimed. "What are you, a prince?"

I smirked, "I, in fact, am a Prince. The Half-Blood Prince, at your service."

Selena groaned, turning into a human, startling everyone. She had been listening as a black cat, perched on the rafters. "Siriusly?" She looked at Valdez, "Don't ask him if he's a prince. His mother's maiden name is Prince. Don't ask how he has two moms, we don't know how that works biologically either."

"You're pretty," he said, eyes glazed over.

She rolled her eyes, "And also a Hunter, unless you want what happened to Harry done to you, don't try to flirt with us."

Nico, Voldemort's Older Brother (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now