Nico VI

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was Harry and Ron staring at me, "Uh... Hello? Why are you in my face?"

"Where did you get all those scars?" Ron asked.

I scowled. "None of your business," then I remembered something Thalia did, I snapped my fingers. "There were no scars, you will forget about the scars and go back to sleep."

They walked back to their beds and fell asleep, "Wow," I said to myself "I did not think that would work."

"What would work?" A boy I learned to be Neville mumbled.

I smiled slightly, "Nothing, Neville, nothing." I looked at the clock it read five am. Five o'clock, better get up and get dressed before all the questions come.

I got up and put on my robes. I looked around and saw a trunk with my name on it and a note, I walked over and looked at the note;

Dear Nico,

I heard of your predicament and your relations to Voldemort. Be careful, he's dangerous and is probably looking for you. If you do encounter him, you can probably kill him, he's been evading me too long. Just remember you have Death on your side, he doesn't.

The school will probably block away most monsters and demigod dreams. Spells might not affect you, it differs for each demigod—it doesn't work on your sisters, so it probably won't work on you.

On a happier note, here are your school supplies. Everything you need, your wand is in there as well, it's made with Elder wood and thestral tail-hair. It's very powerful and it's like Percy's sword/pen. If you lose it, it will reappear in your pocket. It's indestructible and won't obey anyone except you.

Enjoy Hogwarts (do try not to blow it up) and say hi to Fluffy, Cerberus's cousin, if you see him.

Best wishes for the school year, Death

I smiled, it was just like Death to say something dark and then be all cheerful, I wondered if he knew there were people called Death Eaters.

I looked through the trunk, grabbed my wand, then want down to eat breakfast.

Hermione was already there reading a book. She looked up. "Hello, Nico. Why are you up so early?"

I shrugged and sat down next to her. "Ron and Harry were staring at me weirdly, while I was sleeping."

Her mouth made an "O" shape. "That's strange,"

"So, what classes do we have?" I asked her.

She took out a piece of paper "Well, we have Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures . . ." she sighed. "Great, we're still with the Slytherins. . . ."

"What's bad about the Slytherins?" I asked. "I mean, they're people too."

Hermione brushed her hair out of her eyes "Yeah, but there's a lot of house rivalry...."

"So, what do we have after that?" I said, in an attempt to change the subject. I didn't want to hear her droning on about whatever "house rivalry" was.

She groaned, "You have Double Divination, you should drop it. I did, the class is worthless and the teacher's a fraud."

"What's Divination?" I asked. "I didn't choose my classes."

Nico, Voldemort's Older Brother (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now