The Wolf Club Part 2

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Okay so I know it took time for me to write this and I know you all were antsy for another chapter. But first this chapter is dedicated to manishmanohar (for the follow back) and Miz_Amah (many votes for reading) Thank You Both So Much! ☺️❤️

Lily's P.O.V

Right after Heath left, I ran into my house and pushed open the door to only hear hushed voices. I even heard footsteps rushing from the door. I am betting they were listening.

"Okay guys, be honest how much have ya'll heard?" I said coming in folding my hands across my chest.

"Ahh..not a lot but to know enough." My mom said, walking up to me hugging me.

"I just want to let you know that you are making the right choice. Just let Heath take care of you and everything will be okay." My father said brushing my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead.

"Sis, he's not a bad guy. I think he's a pretty good guy. I warned him if he ever hurts you he answers to my fists." My brother said putting his hands in his pockets and walked up the stairs to his room until he stopped on the last step.

"Oh, by the way I am bring my mate with me to the club. She's a decent girl. You will like her trust me. Heath said he couldn't wait to see you." He walked to his room.

Just then the door opened again and Kelly stepped in and was holding two long bags. I am guessing it was our dresses.

"Hey girl, I here with our dresses and you can't escape." Kelly said swaying her hips walking to me and hit her hips next to mine causing me to stumble.

"It's not that but I don't wear dresses or anything that's girly. I am a tomboy."

"Well, too bad your gonna HAVE to change your style tonight just for Heath. He's gonna love your dress. Trust me. Now hurry up and go shower and wash your hair." She said pushing me towards my bedroom.

After I took my shower, Kelly sat me in front of my mirror and I panicked. She have a bunch of make up set up. I looked at her and looked back at my reflection and prayed to the goddess to help me.

"Close your eyes. When I am done with your hair and make up I want you to be amazed." Kelly said looking at me.

I felt like I have been waiting for hours.

"Open your eyes."Kelly said.

When I opened my eyes I saw a different girl in front of me in my reflection. My eyes looked bigger and fuller. Brown eyeshadow made my eyes brighter. My lips was finished with a nude shade lipgloss. My hair however, was bouncing with curls. Looked like a model.

"We're not done yet. You have your dress still to try on." Kelly handed me my dress bag.

I opened it, and I gasped. I saw the most beautiful brown laced dress. It was short and small shoulder sleeves. I loved it.

"Hurry up and put it on. Heath will be here in 7 minutes."

"Okay, okay."

I put the dress on and I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked amazing. The dress hugged all if my curves that I didn't know what existed.

"Here are your heels."

"Heels? Can I wear flats?"

"Sure. Wear the flats."

"Thank you. I would never walk in heels anyways." I took the brown flats and put it on until I heard the front door open.

"Omg. Heath's here."

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