Meeting Heath's Parents

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Okay, so this story is going well,  so far to the comments and the voting. So believe that you all want to be rewarded with a new chapter but first a shout out to new followers are denalambaren and citythatneversleeps1. I want to thank you both for commenting and voting. Love goes out to you and all of "The Werewolf's Mate" without it's fans it wouldn't have a reason to be written. As for a new chapter....enjoy! 😊

Lily's P.O.V

After my brother had spoken to me, I fell asleep and woke up around 12 pm in the afternoon. I changed from a short pants and cami top to a caprice blue jeans and a t-shirt that says "Bite Me". Thinking to myself, Heath wouldn't resist biting me. I put my hair into a pony and walked down to the kitchen. I saw my mom at the stove and my brother and his friends were playing "Call of Duty" on the big screen.

"Hey honey, glad you can join us." My mom said pulling out the plates from the cubby and setting them out on the table.

"I was tired. School can take out a lot from a person. And we came home late too." I said blushing.

"Uhmm...yeah that's what you said. It seems there's more to that story."

"MOM!!!!!!, that's not cool. Nothing happened. Okay?"

"What? Okay whatever you said. BOYS time for lunch. Stop that game right now. Y'all have played that game since morning, give the tv a rest." Mom yelled at the and they all rushed to the tables like cows that saw a lion.

Once lunch started everyone was eating in silence. You could hear a pin drop. But all had to be ruined by Kenny.

"Soo Lily, heard you been busy? Care to catch me up?" He said smiling.

"Why do I even bother?" I said whispering.

"What? I can't hear you." Kenny said taking a slice of chicken and popped it into his mouth and chewed.

"Okay, no problem. I found my mate and he's an alpha. Mess with me and he'll kick your sorry butt." I said proudly.

"Oh man. I wouldn't want to mess with his mate. Lucky, he got off easy." Kenny said in a grumpy voice.

I laughed and my brother hit him on the back of his head which caused him to hit his forehead on the table. Only then the table shook with laughter. I had tears afterwards.

Ding Dong!!!

I heard the doorbell ring. And I ran to open the door, until I smelled pine. I knew instantly Heath was here. I opened the door and I wrapped my arms around his waist but it didn't reach. I had a huge smile on my face. I heard a chuckle. Ahh, his laugh was warming my insides.

"Someone does miss me." I heard Heath said. He pulled my chin up and kissed me sweetly. Sadly it had to end.

"I missed you so much. I can't stop thinking about you." I said in a whisper.

"Love, I do to. Are you going to invite us in or let us stay on the front porch?" Heath said fake shivering. Werewolf's don't get cold. Liar!

"Oh, um okay come on in." I said nervously. As soon as I opened the door wider I saw a man and a woman with Raven.

The woman and the man walked in and Raven behind. I looked at Heath worried and he shook his head. I nodded him off.

"Everyone, I want you to meet Emma, my mom and Roger, my dad. Also, my sister Raven."

"Ohh pretty." Kenny said eying Raven with googley eyes.

My brother slapped him once again on the back of the head.

"She's my mate. Touch her and there will be consequences." John said in a stern voice and walked over to Raven and embrace her in a half hug.

"Got that alpha, no problem. I'll just stay away from the pretty girls from now on." Kenny said blushing and rubbing his head looking down.

"Okay, nice to meet you Ms. and Mr. Daniels. Welcome to my lovely home, I am Lilly's mother Tina Slade. My husband David is attending pack business. But I have informed him that you are here and he's on his way. Please let's sit in the living room." My mom said leading the way to living room.

I sat on the love seat and Heath followed and sat next to me. His leg brushed mine and the sparks shocked my brain. I squeaked, Heath looked at me funny. I shook my head and he shrugged his shoulders. My brother sat on the square couch with Raven in his lap. The rest of the guys sat in the kitchen talking to themselves. However, Mr and Mrs. Daniels sat on the long couch with my mom. We were about to speak when my dad walked into the door.

"Okay, whatever my daughter has done is not her fault?" My dad said with his serious face.

"Dad, I didn't do anything wrong. Heath only brought his parents over so that we all can know more about each other as mates." I said to my father and clasped my hand on Heath's.

"Ohhh. My bad, I am so sorry. Wrong way to introduce myself. My name is David Slade and I am the alpha of the pack. But my son had taken over from a couple of months ago. But I go to the meetings, he falls asleep." My father said and everyone laughed including Heath's parents.

I looked at Heath's mother was beautiful and was the older version of Raven but she has blue eyes. She wore jeans, a loose white shirt with flats. Her black hair was tried back into a pony tale. She wore no makeup what-so-ever. If she did, that's a really good brand that knows how to cover. Heath's father wore a suit shirt with a blazer with jeans and dress shoes. He looked like the older version of Heath only he was a bit more muscular with short army cut.

"So Lily sweetheart, what do you think of our son?" His mom asked looking concern.

"I love him. And there's nothing I would change about him. He loves me and I love him with all of my heart. Even if he has flaws." I said looking Heath in the eyes.

"Good. I am glad you do. You are a well respected girl and I like that. You and your brother both is welcomed into this family." His mother said in a cheerful voice.

"I agree with my wife. Trust me she knows what's right. Unlike those other girls, you and your brother both have special gifts that makes you unique. And I am glad to have this family with ours." Mr. Daniels said nodded at my dad. Dad went up to him and shook hands with the family.

"Let's celebrate this gathering as a new family." My mother said.

Mom went to the kitchen and brought Champlain to share. Once we had some we toasted to our new born family. I couldn't help but smile. My new family, sounds pretty good to me.

"Oh by the way kids, we want grand kids soon. Don't think your off the hook." Heath's mom said. I choked on the drink, Raven looked shocked and the guys, well they looked scared. Men, always looking for the easy way out. Too late now.


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