Epilogue: One Year Later

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I am speechless. First thing first, I want to say thank you all so much for voting commenting and following. Finally, thank you all for begin there throughout this journey with me...just a secret... I am a writer in disguise in reality. 🤓 I want to dedicate this chapter to ShineBright505  you rock girl! 😎❤️

Epilogue: One Year Later

Lily's P.O.V

"Who's mommies cute babies? Who's a mama's boy and daddies' girl?" I said earning giggles from my nine month twins.

Months after Heath and I got married and came back from our honeymoon only to find out that the pack was attacked. But nothing to major, just rouges wanting to make a statement. Not that the rouges know anything, but my husband was really good friends with the king of werewolf's. They met during our honeymoon just like us the king was vacationing with his lovely wife as well. Once we all started talking, we grew as friends quickly. The king knew something was up with our pack so he offered to help. With his help we were able to eliminate the rouges, which made Heath's and I pack high honor in the kings' army.

After that, we were able to remake our pack homes bigger and better. When I said, "Bigger and and Better", I meant that Heath had some of toys that he kept in the weapon's room in every pack house just in case of emergency.

We soon decided that we were ready to start a family and settle down. I was happy and so was everyone.

I surprised Heath with my pregnancy. The poor man was screaming his head off as I laughed in happiness. Everyone thought that he lost his mind. My family and his ran into the room demanding what was wrong. I told them I was pregnant and they screamed in happiness.

For the pass nine months, Heath would treat me like absolute glass. No matter how much I told him that I was okay, he wouldn't listen. Until, both mother-in-laws had to step in to tell him that my pregnancy was bugging me and how I need space once in a while because I would get agitated. He understood after our moms told him and he backed off every now and then.

Months passed and we were able to see the sex of the baby. But, only to find out that I was pregnant with twins. I was so happy and we told our parents and pack. We celebrated the happiness of our pack.

But, when I was going into labor, the poor man looked like he was going to have a heart attack. I screamed and he came running in the bathroom searching for a intruder. I screamed and told him that my water broke. My mom then came to the rescue and she called for the pack doctor. They rushed me to the pack hospital where I spent two days in pain. Heath came in and nearly passed out. I mean he can kill rouges but can't handle this. I screamed at him if he doesn't stay with me or he's going to sleep outside. He finally man up and I give birth to two strong and healthy babies, a boy and a girl.

Finally we were able to return home and then was able to name the babies. My sweet daughter was named Susan Daniels and my handsome son Ryder Daniels.

"Lily, have you seen my tie? I can't find it." My husband Heath said, which brought me back to the present.

"Check in the closet, next to your suit. I already laid it out for you. Goddess, I am done before you and I had two kids to dress." I said disbelief.

"Well, I have no excuse." He said walking out the closet dressed only fumbling with the tie.

"Come here, let fix your tie. Now the kids will think their father is a total girl. Takes his time when his brother-in-law is getting married and he's the best man." I said shaking my head and fixes his tie.

"Okay, okay you win, let's go." Heath said walking out without taking one of the carseat with the babies. I cleared my throat and he stopped.

"I think you forget something.."


"Heath, the babies in the carseat."

"Ohhhhhh, why didn't you say something?"

"Wait till they grow up, I will tell them how forgetful their father is."

"Alright, come one daddies number one girl." Heath said picking up Susan and she wiggled and smiled. Total daddy's girl.

John and Raven was finally tying the knot as a married couple. John proposed to Raven when he took he out to dinner and invited the family along as a surprised. He popped the question and she said yes. But she only said it in hesitation, just to mess with him.

Now, they are getting married in the king's palace and it was pretty big. The king was happy because it was the first wedding ever in the palace. Heath and I finally arrive and the wedding at going full swing with people arriving.

"Dude, get your butts in the rooms now. You are late." John said grabbing us and push in different rooms. I was in the bridal room and Heath was in the groom room.

"Omg, thank god your here. We couldn't find any ring bearers. Sooo, can Ryder and Susan be the ring bearers?" Raven said holding my hand in a tight grip.

"Yeah, totally."

"Thank you, thank you. Yay, I get the Daniels Twins to be the ring bearers in my wedding." Raven yelled and everyone stop their panic attack busy selves.

"Okay, WEDDING TIME PEOPlE!!!! Get to your places." Raven's mom yelled.

The wedding was long and romantic, Raven looked stunning in her sweetheart cinderella dress and she was so happy. Our ring bearers fell asleep as soon as the weeding vows was said. Now the wedding reception, I heard that the groomsmen had a treat for Raven. Turns out, they dressed up in black wife beaters and blue jeans with black nikes. They dance to "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction, boy was that funny. Even their expression was having me gasping for air. Then, they finish with "I am sexy and you know it" by Lmfao.

Everyone clapped and laughed till they had tears in their eyes. Finally, it was time for couples dance and my mom and dad watched the kids and told us to enjoy ourselves. They just want to be with the grandkids.

"Lily, I love you. Today and forever you made me a proud man and can't asked for anything more. Thank you for being that woman by my side. " Heath said kissing my cheek as we sway to the song.

"I love you too. You are the strongest and the most bravest person I have met. I will be there to support you anyway I can. I am proud of what you have become in the past year." I said whispering in his ears. I hugged him close to my chest.

With that said, we danced the night away wrapped in my husband, friend and the father of my children arms. I couldn't be more happy.


THE END!!!!!! 😩

Thank you all for reading, but I know that you all want a another after this story. But, I might add another in the future. It felt really good writing this book and I hope you will enjoy my other books.


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