A Proposal

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Lily's P.O.V

Today was a good day, I will get to meet Heath's pack because of the recent rouge attack at his territory. Yesterday, we had to open the guest house and clean before anyone could actually live in it. It was busy and still is cause we have to be extra careful where we go and who is looking in the city. I was helping the girls fix up dinner. We were having a get together to welcome Heath's pack. I helped made beans and rice, mashed potatoes, chicken and sausage with some macaroni and cheese for the kids and many more.

"Hey Lily, heard you found your mate. You sure he wouldn't dump you for any other girl." I heard the pack slut Monica said behind me. I hate this girl....I wanted to hit her in her fake silicone nose.

"Well, at least I don't have fake silicone boobs and ass. And my nose isn't pointy so if he would kiss you, you would stab him in the eyes." I said proudly and turned away from her.

"You b***h, you are gonna pay for that." She said, and I felt two pair of hands on my shoulders and was spun around to face Monica. She raised her up and slapped me. But I didn't feel anything, I opened my eyes and saw my brother holding Monica's hand in mid slap. John looked really furious, his temper has risen. Monica looked shocked and her eyes were widen with fear.

"What the hell do you think your doing? Raising your hand on your alpha's sister is forbidden." John hissed through his teeth.

"I..I..I..I am sorry alpha, but she stared it. She called me stupid." She said looking at me narrowing her eyes.

"Your lying, you said that my mate would reject me." I said whispering looking down.

"YOU SAID WHAT!!!!" John yelled. Monica looked like she was about to crap her pants. John was angry, his vains on his neck was popping out and on his forehead. He dropped Monica's hand in disgust.

"I didn't mean too. I am so sorry, Lily. Really I am, I...I just didn't know what came over me that's all. Really. Right Lily?" She said nervously.

"Whatever, I can't stand you. And the face you would say that is beyond stupid. All I know is that your jealous of me cause I have a mate and you don't." I said and walked away. I needed to be alone after that had happen. Now I was seriously doubting myself and Heath. Goddess, was I rushing my relationship with Heath?

"Hello love, did ya miss me?" I heard behind me. Heath was here. I turned and ran into his warm arms. I couldn't hold back my tears. I sobbed into his big chest. Heath pulled me away and looked at me.

"Love, why are you crying? Has something happen to your pack?" Heath asked worried and he pulled me towards the pack house. I pulled him back and he stopped. I shook my head no.

"I was just afraid that one day you will leave me another because I can't give you want." I whisper. My head hung low and the tears kept coming.

"What do you think they have and you don't?" He asked me and I looked up and blushed.

"I.....I can't give you pleasures." I said blushing.

"You mean sex? I am a patient man, I could wait. But, love is not what they have to love me like you do." Heath brushed my tears away and kissed my forehead.

"But....what if you leave me?"

"We discussed this before already, I would never leave you. Any man that leaves you must be really stupid." Heath said hugging me and welcomed it. I held on tight across to let go and breath in his forest smell.

"Come on. Lets meet the pack." He pulled me towards the family pack house. My pack was along there with some of Heath's. Boy, these guys was buffed and the girls was beautiful some were either mated. Goddess, let us live through having these sexy men.

"Welcome Black Crescent Panthers and Blood Blues, I am here to officially say that we will be living with this pack since my beautiful mate is with this pack. We are gonna stay here cause its the safest place so far since our pack is attacked by the rouges. If anyone disagrees feel free to leave. We are here to make choices and I can't go against them." Heath said to everyone and my dad nodded in agreement. Luckily no one said anything but went along to Heath.

"One last thing....." Heath said reaching into his pocket and got down on one knee and my eyes widen. I put my hands on my mouth and covered my dropped jaw.

"Lily Slade, since the first day I met you at your school, I was mesmerized by your beautiful eyes and I could wait to know more about you. Then, I realized that girls like you wouldn't exist for years to come so I feel in love with you. Your a honest and beautiful soul in one. But will you do me the honors and will you marry me?" Heath said smiling proudly.

"Yes, yes. I will marry you." I said hugging him and everyone cheered. Heath pulled me out of the embrace and kissed me and everyone cheered even louder with some wolf whistles. I rolled my eyes and kissed him back. I blushed and I pushed him away. He put the ring on my left hand finger. It was beautiful, simple and yet classy studded diamonds.

"Wow, it's so pretty." I said admiring the ring.

"Just like you." He said winking at me.

"Uhummm." And he laughed. Oh that sound I would never get tired of hearing it. Just then Kelly and a guy came up to us.

Kelly hugged me as well as the guy and I gave her a pointed look. She smiled, widely and looked at the guy and he winked. Ohhh, they are mates.

"Hey, I am Jacob. I am Heath's beta. Congrats, took him a while too." He laughted. I couldn't help but laugh too.

Pretty much, I found my missing piece that needed badly. I am glad, I am gonna be a wife and maybe a mother with the best man in my arms.

Song that inspired me was "Marry Me" by Jason Derulo I love this song so much, check it out. Hope you enjoy!

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