Wedding preparations

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What's up everybody! Was the chapter before a really good one? I really liked it, so here's one that you probably will just scroll through, but I'm okay with that cause its one of those chapter that just describes. 😪✌🏼

Lily's  P.O.V

After Heath proposed to me, my parents were happy and my brother was giving the speech, but I am pretty sure Heath will hear the same speech again before we get married. Typical of him. Mom and I was now looking for dresses and getting bridesmaids. There was a lot of people who I wanted but two people came down to be my maids of honor. It was Kelly and Raven, the two important ladies had became my friends. My bridesmaids were my mother-in-law, mom, my cousins Ashley and Katy and Heath's cousins Mary Kate and Milan. These girls were excited and chatted with each other with ease. The dress assistant lady came and pointed to us a few books that had maid of honor and bridesmaid dresses. I looked in the books and I wanted to know if anyone had mates, just wanna make them jealous.

"Okay, so who have mates? I want the guys just be like"damn, my girl is hot."" I said winking at the girls and they laughed. My mom and Heath's mom shook their heads and laughed.

"You're gonna make the guys want to go home and lock you in your room forever." Mom said and we laughed again.

Hopefully all the girls had mates and the agreed to make the guys squirm. I helped the girls choose the dresses that the like with certain designs. It all came down to two, each girl liked the other so we decided to keep that and what girl like it wears it. The color however, was red. The dresses had sweetheart necklines. So the dresses had a above knee high length, while the other had dip in the front where it shows some amount of breasts. Trust me these girls will have it good. It came down to shoes, boy did we shop. It was peep-toes stilettos and it came in black.


However, the maids of honor chose black with red heels. But it was time for me to find the perfect dress for me.

It took a while to look for the right dress but I finally found it. It had a sweetheart neckline and it puffed out like a princess dress. It had a vale that was long and train that was also long and my dress had lace. I love love lace. My shoes were white stilettos. I squealed in happiness. The girls ohhh and ahhed liking my dress. My mom and mother in law cried in happiness.

"I am so proud of you. You're gonna be a wife and mother like me soon. Goddess, you look so beautiful." Mom cried and hugged me. Heath's mom nodded in agreement.

"Oh mom, don't cry. Don't cry please. I am so happy, Heath will take care of me. He's a great guy and I promise that we will see each other soon. And everyday I will talk to you and kids are gonna be running in your backyard." I said feeling tears in my eyes. My mother, my hero and my best friend.

"Okay sweetie. I don't want to ruin your dress." She said patting the dress and looking at it in wonder.

After all of the tears and shopping the girls and I decided to go out for dinner. We went into a dinner, and we ordered. Just when we were about to order we saw Heath and some of the girls mates come in. We greeted them and they sat next to us. Heath saw me and he kissed me.

"How was shopping? I missed you all day." He said kissing my cheek.

"Brutal, but I did find my dress. Your gonna love it. I missed you too. We hardly spend time anymore with all this wedding things it's driving me insane and giving me headaches." I brushing my hair back and tied it into a pony tail.

"I feel the same to baby girl. We found the tuxedos for the guys and me. I made everyone get black tuxs and black ties. I didn't know if pink was okay for tuxs. It didn't look right." He said running his hand thru his hair. His hair got long and his face had a shadow beard.

"It's fine, the pink would have been to much anyways. The girls had picked out cute dresses. By the way, you need a hair cut and shave that beard of yours it's itchy." I said pushing away from him cause he was rubbing his beard on my face.

"I know you love it." Just after he said that my stomach growled. And everyone turned and looked at me.

"What? I am hungry." I said and everyone laughed.

"Real smooth, love." Heath said chuckling.

"Like you could better." I questioning him.

"Okay, okay you win."

"That's what I thought."

"Goddess, you will be the death of me and we're not even married yet." Heath said and I hit him in the arm. He fake winced like I hit him hard.

"You guys look so cute." Ashley said cooing at us.

"I agree." Raven said winking.

Later that night we chatted and ate but it was time to go home and everyone didn't want to leave each others company. So mom agreed that they can spend the night at our pack houses. Heath and I however had decided to have my room to us. Mom was happy and we all drove home together one following behind the other. As soon as we got home, we helped everyone to settle in for bed. When we were finished we said goodnight and went to my room. Heath went to change in the bathroom and I looked for a cami and pj shorts. Heath returned and he was wearing a white wife-beater and black boxers. He got into bed and I went to the bathroom and washed up. I changed out of my jeans and batman t-shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and I went in bed with Heath. I curled up against Heath and kissed him goodnight.

"I love you, Lilly. Can't wait for when we get married in 3 weeks." Heath said whispering in my ear.

"I love you too. Me neither, can't wait but I happy we met. We have so much ahead of us. A family with you me and our kids." I said intertwining our hands.

"Glad to hear that you want kids. I need some bloodlines."

"Good goddess. You are unbelievable."

"What? You know I can do things to your body."

"Heath, go to sleep. I think you had to much to drink." I said sighing and shook my head.

"Fine, okay love. But I warned you."

With that said we snuggled together and slept in a soundless and dreamless slumber. I found my safe haven in my mate's arm.

My hero, my friend and my love of my life.


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