The Vows

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That is how I pictured the suit ignore the rose pink tie and picture it black.
And the flowers red. ❤️😍

Lily's P.O.V

Here I go, getting married. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts and no crying or freaking out for that matter. Just breath.

"Your doing honey, just breath. Heath is waiting for you. Everything is back to normal." My father said and he patted my hand holding his arm. I squeezed his arm tight.

"Sis, you look so beautiful. Heath was nervous that he might mess up but I told him to think about how much he loves you and you should do the same. It works trust me. I think about Raven when I am nervous too." John said and kissed me on the forehead.

"Okay, think of Heath. I got it." I said smiling. Just then the piano signaled the wedding march down the aisle. Slow and steady, my father and brother and I walked down the aisle. Everyone got up and turned towards me smiling. I see Heath smiling broadly and the the best men was tapping his shoulders in good luck. I smiled and winked at him. He gave me a pleading look. It was magical walking down the aisle, I see my life before me. Married having the magical night with my husband. My first pregnancy with my baby and Heath watch in wonder as our baby grows in my womb. (Twilight Reference. Kinda)

I was ready for this.


My father and brother handed me off to Heath and I squeezed his hand. I handed my flowers to Kelly and she winked at me. I gave her a glare.m and turned back to Heath who had a big smile on his face. What are they up to? I squint my eyes in warning.

"Friends and family, we are here to unite two people. It's a unite of two hearts and family. I join you to bless thee with love and happiness. Say your vows and I will wed thees. If you disagree with this union, speak now or forever hold your peace. If you may, Heath say your vows...." The priest said reading from the holy book.

"Lily, I promise you that I will cherish all the moments that we have spend together. For the past few months, I have learned so many about you and myself. I have learned whats its like to be man and fight for the one he loves. I want to make you happy in every way I can cause every morning I want to wake up to see you beside me smiling at me. I love you and with this ring I wed thee." Heath said I swear I had tears in my eyes. He placed the wedding ring on my finger and kissed it.

"I-I love you too. I will help you in any way I can to make you feel proud. I will be there beside you every step you take and I will follow. Not only you have learned but I have learned what its like to a luna and I will promise to make wise choices. But with this ring I wed thee." With that said I placed his ring on his ring finger. I had a little trouble putting his ring on and his friends chuckled as well the whole church.

"I swear you did this on purpose..." I said whispering to him and he laught and pushed the ring on.

"With both rings, I bless thee with happiness and love in sickness and health I bless you as husband and wife. You may ..." Before the priest can say anything Heath grabbed me and kissed me.

"Kiss the bride.." The priest said finishing his sentence. Everyone cheered and wolf whistled. I pushed Heath and huffed in anger. Before I could even walked Heath picked me up in bridal style and walked out the church door into the car. Everyone was cheering and throwing rice as an symbol of good luck in marriage.

"See ya'll at the reception.!!!!!" Heath shouted and jumped into the car.

"Heath!!!! What the helll? I didn't even throw the bouquet." I said pouting.

"Ohh babe, I just want wanted quality time with my wife..." Heath said winking.

"Can't argue with that part.." I said and pulled Heath and kissed him.

"I want this dress off, I am feeling itchy." I said trying to moving some material out of the way and Heath sighed and pulled off the vail. It was heavy and weight my head down.

"Oh thank god, it was giving me a headache. You look so my prince charming. I love you." I kissed him again.

"You look stunning, princess. I love you baby girl." He said smiling. (Cheesy, I know 😅)

"Ummm, me too." With that said I looked out the window with Heath's arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into his shoulder and closed my eyes. Heath kissed my head and I welcomed sleep.

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