Chapter 2

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Your POV:

" You know what," he said, "How about we play a game? I like hide and seek and tag, let's play that. I untie the ropes and you find a hiding spot in the house. If I find you, which I will, you start running. If I get you then the game ends and you're mine forever. If I lose, you're free to go."

As he was untying me I stared at him. I can never figure out what he is thinking or feeling. His face stays emotionless with that mask on. After he untied me, I kicked him in his leg and started running. I ran for the door. But as soon as I reached it I saw that it was wrapped in chains with a lock on it. My heart started beating through my chest. I turned around and saw Brahms. He stood there for awhile, just staring at me. Then he began running towards me. I tried to go around him but he grabbed me with one hand around my stomach and started to choke me with the other.

" That's not how the game goes!" He yelled with a throaty voice. My vision started darkening. " Play the right way and you won't get hurt."

He let go of me and I fell to the floor. I grabbed my throat and started coughing and gasping for air.

" You have 5 minutes to find a place to hide. I suggest you get up and go now." He said.

I got up, still grabbing my throat. It hurts so bad. I ran upstairs and headed to my room. That's way too obvious. But where is there to hide? I searched everywhere upstairs. The closet? Under the bed?...The attic! I ran into the hallway and got the stick and pulled the ladder down. When I climbed up I carefully tried to close it. But the attic snapped shut, making lots of noise. It's been five minutes, Brahms must be looking for me now. I sat on the ground for what felt like hours. Soon after I heard Brahms mumbling somethings from beneath me. I put my ear to the floor but couldn't make out his words. Suddenly, the attic door started rattling. I crawled over to it and held the handle. It started opening so I pulled on it.

" So you were up there the whole time huh." Brahms said, "Let go of the door!"

" No!" I yelled back. My fingers started to give out after a few seconds. Not long after, I lost grasp of it. The stairs flew down and Brahms started climbing up to me. I looked around for something heavy. I grabbed boxes with stuff in it and threw it down the stairs, making Brahms fall back. I climbed down the stairs and ran without looking behind me. As I was reached the last staircase I saw the exit. I win. I ran down the stairs but missed a step and stumbled down. Landing hard. I moaned in pain and tried to get up but a sharp pain in my ankle stopped me from doing so. I started to crawl to the door. I was about 5 feet from it when Brahms reached the top of the stairs. I tried crawling faster but I couldn't beat him to the door. He stood in front of it, staring down at me, " I win."

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