Chapter 17

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A few days passed since the day everyone found out about Ryan's disappearance. It feels as though it was old news because it seemed that everyone had already moved on. All except that nurse. She's been on my case about it. Accusing me of kidnapping him because I was jealous that he loved her more than he loved me. Thankfully, she never told anyone that I had an actual thing with him. If that happened I'd be listed as a possible suspect. She didn't tell anyone because she knows she's done much worse. If anyone found out what they do together in closets and storage rooms, she'd easily be fired. And she'd look just as guilty. I never told Brahms about all this, worried that he'd be stressed out. He's been so calm lately. I don't want to interrupt him and his peacefulness but, I really needed to see my family. I missed them so much. They popped into my head when we were looking through Brahms' old photos. We sat on the rug in the living area with a bunch of pictures and photo books around us. Brahms sat with his legs crossed with a bunch of photos in his hands. I sat next to him with my legs stretched, leaning over him to look at the pictures.

" This one was taken on my 6th birthday. I was crying in it because I was afraid of Wiggles, the clown. He had a big, fake smile plastered on his face. It was so unnatural and creepy."

I looked up at him and started laughing.

" Dont laugh," he said.

" Sorry, I can't help it."

He quickly flipped to the next picture which was no better than the one before. Baby Brahms was in a bath tub laying down on his stomach. His hair was kept up like apple hair by soap and his face had a bubble beard. The best part of the photo was that you could see his tush. It was a lot paler than the rest of his body and looked so soft and shiny. He pulled the photo away in a flash but I was able to catch every glimpse of it.

" Give me it, I want to see it again!" I said laughing.

" No!" He said as he got up with the photo in his hand.

" C'mon please! I missed it, you took it away too quickly!" I lied.

" Then why are you laughing?!" He said.

" I don't know, just give it to me!" I said as I tried snatching it from him.

He quickly shifted the photo to his other hand. When I tried grabbing it again he lifted his hand up so that I couldn't reach it. As I jumped, he stretched his hand up higher and stood on his tippy toes. I soon ran out of breath and bent over to catch my breath. I sighed in defeat and Brahms laughed. At the corner of my eye I saw Brahms' hand drop down. His hand held that photo.

" Aw, c'mon. You're already giving up?" He joked.

I laughed, " Actually, this is all part of my plan," I said as I snatched the photo from his hand. I quickly ran out the living room and up the stairs. Brahms was at my heels and yelling for me to give it back. As I made it to my room I slammed the door to shut and saw Brahms approaching. As he almost made it to the door I screamed and locked it. Brahms tried twisting the door knob and banged on the door.

" Don't look at it! It's embarrassing!" He said.

" It's so cute! You and your tiny baby butt!" I laughed.

I took a picture of it using the camera of my phone to keep it forever. When I was done I decided to look through the key hole. Brahms wasn't out there anymore. Where could he be? Suddenly I heard the faint sounds of footsteps coming from behind me. Coming out of the closet was Brahms. Scared, but the good kind of scared, I ran to the other side of the room. Brahms followed and managed to catch me and pushed me on the bed. He sat on top of me and put my hands over my head. He took the picture from me and put it in his back pocket.

" Brahms, don't get so mad over that. I'm sorry, now let me go! You have the picture now!"

" It's too late now. You've already saw every bit of it."

" What are you gonna do about it?" I said, " Hurt me?"

" No, something much worse." His voice deepened and I started getting scared.

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