Chapter 12

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Note: Finally! I get to update! It's only been like 3 days but it feels like it's been forever. XD It might be awhile until the next update! Anyways, hope you enjoy reading!

I've been getting phone calls from Ryan all day and all night. Everyday at work I'd ignore him as best as I could. He'd ask what's wrong with me, when I should be the one asking him that. At times he'd stop by my house and wait on the doorstep for hours with flowers and chocolates. Apologizing when he doesn't even know what he's apologizing for. Of course, we were supposed to have a movie date but it never happened. Two weeks have passed since then. Today, I decided to give him a piece of my mind. I was reading in the library with Brahms, when I heard the doorbell buzz. Every few seconds it would ring. It drove us crazy.

" Brahms, go hide in the walls for awhile please. I'm gonna go talk to Ryan," I said.

" Okay..." His voice sounded worried.

We walked out of the library and once Brahms disappeared, I opened the door. Ryan, of course, was there. He had nothing with him this time, except a bottle of alcohol in his hand. His hair was all over the place. His eyes were red and baggy. He looked nothing like the Ryan I knew. And, instead of looking sad and depressed, he looked angry.

" It's about time you opened the door for me," he said as he wobbled in.

" What do you want?" I asked.

" I want you to forgive me."

" For what?"

"...I-I don't know! Whatever I did wrong!" He said, frustrated.

" You don't even know what you did so what makes you think I'd forgive you!"

He stayed silent.

" I saw you with another girl," I said.

" (Y/n), what are you talking about?"

" I'm taking about that nurse! Remember the last time you came to my office? You walked off with her and I saw you guys in a room together. Touching and kissing all over the place..."

Ryan opened his mouth to say something but his words kept cutting off, not knowing what to say.

" You said that I was just a toy you like to play with. Is that what I am to you?"

" No, no of course you aren't!" He said.

" Stop it!" I yelled, " You're lying! Why else would you say that?"

" Listen. I did really like you. I swear! I just wanna make it right between us," he said while walking close to me. The scent of alcohol filled my nose, making me take a step back only to be pulled back in by him.

" Get out of my house and get your hands off me!" I said, as I got out of his grasp.

" (Y/n)-"

" I SAID GET OUT!" I yelled. At that point, I completely lost it. And so did Ryan.

He threw his bottle across the room, and it shattered against the wall. Ryan put his hands on the back of my hand and gripped my hair in his fist. I felt like my hair and scalp was about to rip off. I cried in pain.

" I've given you a bunch of chances to forgive me. I've been nice, bringing you a bunch of gifts and apologizing. This is the last straw!"

" Ah!" I yelled, "Okay, okay, I forgive you! Now leave!" I said that because I wanted Ryan to leave before things get any worse.

" You know what," he said, "Seeing how helpless you kinda turning me on."

I gave him a disgusted look. Speechless at his words. Suddenly, he pulled my face in and started kissing me messily. I tried pulling away but his hand forced head to stay still. I banged my fist on his shoulders, but it didn't work. Then, I decided to bite his lips. I bit on his bottom lip until I started to taste blood.

" AHH!" He screamed, "Motherfucker!"

He lifted his hands and slapped me. He slapped me so hard that I fell onto the ground. I felt my cheeks burning. Ryan sat on top of me and punched me in he same spot where he slapped me. The whole left side of my cheek went numb. When he tried to swing at me again, I dodged it and he punched the floor. His knuckles were red and swollened. At this point, I didn't know whether he was going to kill me or not. But, I'm not taking any chances.

" Brahms!" I yelled, "Help me!!"

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