Opening Act. Act 1

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On the early morn Derek met with his mother for morning tea before heading off to work. The palace was very busy and people were yelling and screaming out orders. He was glad for his little office that is away from all of this.

When he arrived at the office there was a small line of people waiting for him. This was normal but he opened two hours after sunrise and an hour before it set and people knew that. Not a minute sooner or later.

"Bout time, gent. We've been waiting." A guy said as Derek unlocked the door. He ignored him and entered the office shutting and locking the door behind him.

Derek chuckled to himself as he heard the guy growl. He hurried and made tea, set out biscuits and got out the ledgers for that month. He opened them up setting them up behind him on a table. He filled all the quills with fresh ink before he reopened the door. The guy pushed his way in bumping shoulders with Derek as he entered the office.

"Please stand in line and I will help you in the order in which you stand." Derek said as he made his way behind the help counter.

The office was light and airy with windows above the many shelves. There was chairs for those who wanted to sit but most stood in line.

"How may I help you sir." Derek asked in a polite manner even though the guy was rude.

"I need to register as a new member." He growled out. Derek turned grabbing the registry ledger. He placed it on the counter and handed the gentleman a quill.

"Is there anymore who need to register as a new member?" Derek asked. A few hands raised he smiled at each of them in acknowledgement.

"Finally." The man said before storming out of the office.

"Next." Derek said placing that ledger beside him.

He worked steady for at least the first four hours before it finally settled down enough for him to run to the restroom. He quickly locked the door to the office leaving a quickly quills note staying he will return shortly. He raced down the hall to the bathroom released himself before racing back. There was yet another line.

Derek worked until closing then filed away all paper work, sent off all applications and signed off on all the ledgers. He tidied up the office before locking up and leaving out. He needed to go to the market before he settled in for the night.

Tomorrow the king and his family would be back and there would be a ball to welcome home the future of our kingdom.

"Excuse me, do you have freshly picked corn? I would like three ears if so please." Derek said to the lady as she restocked and cleaned her vegetables.

"At the end next to the fresh bread." She said not looking up.

Derek grabbed the ears of corn, some fresh bread and a few other fresh vegetables he paid for his items before moving on. He stopped and grabbed some fresh pork and beef. The eggs were big and fresh. As Derek headed back he stopped in and bought a new tunic and trousers for the ball. He has proper shoes but he has grown since his last ball and needed something fresh and new. He has saved for this and it felt good to buy something nice for himself.

"Derek." Someone yelled.

"Cedric, hi how are you?" Derek asked his long time friend. A knight with the kings army and a enforcer for the kingdom.

"Awe, enjoying this lovely night. Care to join me for a pint?" Cedric asked.

"I guess I could, but only one. I have work tomorrow." Derek said shifting his satchel of good.

Together they walked to Hollowswell pub and sat at a small table in the back. People were drinking, eating and laughing. Derek ordered a pink and the chicken dinner and that would be the last of his money for a while but worth it. Cedric ordered the same but his money looked like it would last him a while.

"Are you ready for the princes to return?" Cedric asked.

"No you know our history. It would be like old times and I don't want to relive that again. I don't like them they don't like me. I wish them luck and long lives but that's all." Derek said sipping on his pint.

"I understand why you feel like that but maybe see how they act when they come back." Cedric said to Derek.

Both men finished their pints and dinner with lighter conversation. Derek fought off the memories of his childhood.

Once they finished the men headed off to the castle and then off to their own rooms. Cedric to the Knights quarters and Derek to his own suite.

The memories flooded him the minute he closed his door.

Eight year old Derek sat outside the school yard playing with different size rocks. The other kids chased each other or practiced their fighting stances. The girls would all sit mending dresses or shirts or helping make lunch. Derek never seemed to enjoy any of it.

Everyone was always seeking the Royal Triplets attentions and would do anything for it. Except Derek. He didn't care if they was special people to him they was all just people for now. He would respect them once they become the Kings of the kingdom.

Because Derek didn't worship them the Royal Triplets picked on him. They would steel his rocks, lunch, homework or his bag of books. They would lock him out of the school when it was raining, push him down in a puddle or get the rest of the kids to make fun of his red hair or freckled face.

Derek hated school by time he was old enough to figure out what they was doing to him. By then it was a daily thing. Pick on Derek.

When Cedric moved to the kingdom he became Derek's only friend. He would sit with him while the other kids made fun of him and pushed him around. Derek would tell him not to out of fear they would pick on Cedric as well. Cedric never left his side and stood up to all of the kids except for the Royal Triplets.

Once the Royal Triplets left things changed. The others talked to Derek like he was someone instead of at him in mean hateful ways. The last couple years have been good to him.

Derek soaked for a long time in the bath trying to wash away the memories and the hate that seemed to fall onto his skin with those memories. He kind of scrubbed his skin raw in hopes to rid himself of all of it.

His sleep was fitful and sad that night he couldn't even rest in his sleep.

A/N. So I noticed that I was sort of writing this in a third persons sort of way. I really don't like it but I have a feeling I'm going to bounce back and forth between it. All of the chapter will be from Derek unless I say otherwise. Again I'm trying new things and hopefully soon I will master my writing ability lol.

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