Act 21

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A/N: so I'm sad to say that there is only about 5 more chapters before the end. I really like these guys. They seem so different then my other packs. We I'm trying to fish this before I go back to work tomorrow so I need to stop procrastinating.
To say that Ryan was different from his brother is an understatement. I experienced so many different kinds of orgasms and emotions. And I was completely satisfied and I was the one doing and not being done all night.

On the way back to the castle I remembered the doctor was having the tier delivered to my mates at morning tea. I started to get nervous.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked as we walked hand and hand back to the castle.

"Nothing. Just thinking about last night. I had a wonderful time. Do you think it's to much to ask if we do one on one days once in a while. I've never felt closer to the three of you like I do now. I love it when we are all together but I like the one on one time." I asked.

"We can do that. You just need to let us know when you need it and you'll get it." He said.

"Thanks. I can't wait to snuggle with the three of you tonight." I said with a sigh.

"It's being away isn't it." He asked squeezing my hand.

"It is but it's needed. I feel deeply connected to a all of you now." I said.

"And you can talk to us like this now." He said in my head.

"Yes, I can." I said back with a chuckle.

We both chuckled as we walked closer to the castle. My fairy was weaving about close by. I think she knew it be a little bit before we went back to the cave and she was ready to explore her new home.

"Up here to your left is her new home." Ryan said as if he read my mind.

"Wow, I just don't know what to say. It's beautiful. I mean I figured it would be but all the tiny homes and pretty colors. Look these flowers are the ones Raycer and I saw. And it looks like one of your trees but tiny." I said looking around at the little fairy village.

"Yeah, we added this place to the off limits part of the garden. The fairies like their privacy and become mischievous if mess with to much." He explained.

"Trust me know all about the mischievous fairies." I growled sending mine the stink eye, she giggled. I rolled my eyes waved good by and headed towards the castle.

"We need to go get the others." He reminded me. He didn't need to but he did.

"I know. I'm looking forward to spending the day with the three of you. I'd like a picnic by the lake. It's seems like it's going to be a glorious day for it." I said sighing as I looked around at the bright blue skies with white billowing clouds.

"Sounds good I'll make sure it happens and tonight we do a practice of the crowning that takes place tomorrow night and meeting the new pack." He informed me.

"Okay." I said with a nod as we entered the castle.

I opened our door to find two very awake men waiting for their kiss and snuggles. I ran and jumped in bed with a very happy Ryan on my heels.

"We missed you." Rhyne said.

"I missed you guys as well." I said with a yawn. All this late night activities have me very tired.

"Come on kisses then tea." Raycer said.

"If I must." I said before jumping on him and kissing him silly.

I shared kisses all around before I was picked up and carried to the door. Time for tea and news. I could wait for my mates to find out our family was all bout to triple in size.

We walked down to the garden and to the family table. Everyone was waiting and smiling as we approached. Goddess please let them behave.

"Welcome back. How does it feel the hem be completely mated?b Alpha asked.

"Good, I'm glad to have us all as one now." I said trying not to blush.

"Good, good. Now are you all ready to take over the reins tomorrow night?" He asked.

"I think we're ready. But you are leaving us big shoes to fill. And with this new pack here I wish we had a few more weeks to get a feel for them." Ryan said.

"I agree but the full moon is tomorrow and with you completing the mating it has to be done. We are staying for at least a week after the crowning our ship doesn't set sail until then." Alpha said.

"That's good. I hope by then we can come to an agreement....." Ryan was cut off by a carrier coming in with three letters addressed to my mates.

The moment I've been waiting for. Each of them was handed a single letter. Each of them looking very confused. But Luna she looked impressed.

"What is this?" Ryan demanded. The carrier started to shake.

"Just open it and find out." His mother scolded.

The three of them opened their letters and began to read them. I couldn't help but smile when I knew they had gotten to the part where they was going to be father's.

"Is this true?" Ryan asked looking at me. He wasn't accusing or demanding he was simply asking.

"Yes, it's true. I found out yesterday and asked the doctor to send you three these letters." I said with a smile.

"Awe babe, I'm so excited." Rhyne said smiling.

"Woo-hoo." Raycer yelled jumping out of his seat and coming to hug me.

"So we are going to be grandparents?" My mom screamed. Her and Luna jumped and down excitingly.

"Yeah." I said getting pulled into Ryans lap and the other two sat on either side of us all of us touching some how.

They all decided to celebrate. And by celebrate that means they had the chef make some special food. And by special, I got ham. Yummy ham. And potatoes. Yummy potatoes. I was so happy. And I was starving. So much activity in the last couple days plus three babies growing inside of me. And it's ham and potatoes.

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