Act 13

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Omg it's a full moon, if you don't know what that is. Well honey, it means mating, fucking, making love, anal play, bitting, marking and juices all around.

You have been warned.

No promises but I hope it's epic like my mind sees it.

Derek is so in for a lot of dp and tp that he will not walk for a week.

Mind blowing.
Okay so we begin, I think I might try this in third party. So here is a first time sex scene via third party.
"Oh my Goddess it the full moon." Derek screamed to Cedric. They were in the office after closing and Derek was freaking out.

"Yeah I know." Cedric said as if it was nothing big. But you could see the fear mixed with excitement in his eyes like Derek's.

The two men were waiting to be picked up by their mates for a pre-mating date. Nothing fancy. Just something to get everyone to relax from the energy the full moon was causing. Not to mention the heat in which the two were feeling.

Scorpio was the first to arrive. That is when you could see the panic on Cedric ' s face. If it wasn't for his own fear derek would have laughed. Derek sat there waiting for his mates, but only for about five minutes. Then you could see his fear.

Raycer and Ryan held his hand while Rhyne covered his eyes. They walked for what seemed like ever before he was lifted into what seemed like a carriage. The carriage that was being used was only a small one horse drawn carriage. But it wasn't that important to the date.

The carriage ride took what seemed like forever but in reality it was only about 30 minutes. Once they arrived the three future Alpha Kings positioned their mate just so.

"You can take off the blind fold, babe." Raycer informed Derek.

Slowly Derek removed the blind fold. His eyes where blurry and took a minute to adjust. He was shocked to find himself standing in front of his cave. But it had been cleaned up a lot nicer then he had it. Fireflies were flying all around making it look enchanted.

"It's beautiful, I love this place." Derek squealed and hugged each of his mate.

For the next hour he showed them all his favorite things about the cave and the surrounding area. He introduced his mates to his unicorn friend and his little fairy friend. He had missed them both so much and his cave.

"Come we spruced up your cave, tonight we shall mate here in the place you love so much." Ryan informed Derek causing butterflies to flutter around in his belly.

Inside the cave were candles, food and a bed on the floor that would fit all of them comfortable. The cave actually looking like it was glowing.

"We figured we'd eat before mating." Ryan said. He is always the blunt one.

"That sounds good." Derek said as the nervousness made its was through his voice.

"Chef made us a light meal of chicken salad sandwiches and lots of fruit." Rhyne said as he sat down and opened the basket of food.

"He sent a bottle of the good wine." Raycer said opening the bottle and slowly pouring each of them a small goblet of it.

The four of them ate and drank with little talk. They all had one thing on their mind and all to soon it was time.

[Time to get our freak on,remember it's my first time writing in third person so it might suck.]

The three bigger guys lead derek to the bed, which was softer then even Derek's old bed in his suite.

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