Act 9

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It is two nights before the full moon and my wolf and I are feeling the pull to be with our pack and to run with them. I thought about leaving for a couple days but it is really dangerous for a lone wolf to be roaming around on a full moon. They could find them self dead,mated or hunted. I don't want any of those to happen to me.

The king has been back a couple times, bringing food and a warmer blanket and some clean clothes. I may have forgotten to pack enough. He keeps asking me to come back with him. I turn him down every time.

He said he might have to tie me up and take me home soon. He won't.... or at least I don't think he will. Will he? Nah.

I've made progress with one unicorn that keeps creeping closer to me while I soak. It's a satin looking black color with an almost glowing horn. It has the most unique silver eyes. He is so mesmerizing I forget to breath sometimes.

I also made friends with a couple hummingbirds and a fairy that likes to prank me. They make me happy and let me forget. I need them. But they are not mine to keep.

"Hey sweety, you look very pretty today." I said to fairy as she flow past me while I cleaned around the cave. She doesn't talk to me but she will sit with me while I rattle on about anything and everything.

As I cleared one of the big rocks from the ground in font of the cave entrance my little friend pushed the rock back. Silly goose. I heaved it back out of its hole just to have her put it back. I rolled my eyes before walking away. I'd work on that later when she leaves. Grrrrrr she infuriates me sometimes.

I moved on to building my fire up for the night when I smelt him. He wasn't alone this time. Oh Goddess, why me?

"You can come out, I know your there." I said with a little more attitude then I had planned.

"My baby.... oh my baby.... I've missed you so much and I'm so mad at you. Why won't you come home to your mother? Derek Williams I am so mad at you right now. You look like hell and smell like it too. What have you done to yourself?" My mom cried.

"Mom please dont. I can't deal with along with everything else going on in my life. You shouldn't have brought her here. This isn't going to get me to want to come back any faster in fact I don't want to come back at all now." I snapped. Both of them flinched at my words.

"Derek, I'm sorry." Alpha said before my head hurt and black spots surrounded me and I got a hint of one of my mates just before I blacked out.

My head hurt and my body felt like it was on fire. I wanted nothing more then to touch myself in all the wrong ways. Why did I feel like this? And where was I. My body was on something soft and smelled like heaven. Like home, like something I had been missing all my life. It smelled of my mates.

I shall never forgive you, Alpha.

How is this fare? Does nobody care how this is going to make me feel? My heart can't take much more.

I decided to allow myself to drift back to the blackness because there I was numb to it all. There nobody but me controlled what happened. I am going to miss my unicorn and fairy friends.

I tried to stay in the darkness for as long as I could. But my body wouldn't allow it. I needed to pee.

I kept my breath even and opened my eyes enough to peek to see if I was alone. I couldn't hear or see anything so I sat up and looked around. The room was huge and so was the bed. I had to crawl to the edge just to get off. There was three doors in view one huge door and two smaller ones. My guess is that one of the smaller ones is the bathroom and the big one is the exit.

The floor was cold on my bare feet. I had socks and shoes when they showed up. I was in a night shirt something I don't even own. My mini me was standing proud. How embarrassing. Good thing nobody is around.

I ran to the one door and was hit with the overwhelming smell of my mates, closet. Damn. I ran to the next and finally found relief in the form of a commode.

Even after relieving myself my issue didn't go down. Then it dawned on me. I was in heat. Shit..... shit..... shit. Once a male or female meet their mate or mate the lower or submissive wolf will go into heat on the first full moon. This is why Alpha wanted me home. So I didn't get raped by someone not my mates. Or worse killed by someone trying to rape me.

I hurried and got back in the bed calming my heart and making sure if anyone came in they would think I was still asleep. I just needed to keep my heart rate down.

I drifted in and out of sleep the heat was causing flashes of um... well um..... you know. And once they would pass I would be exhausted.

Voice in the hall work me up. They was loud but still in a whisper. I could hear them and it sounded like they was fighting over something.

"Why do I smell him?" An angry voice whispered.

"I don't know, but this ends tonight. I will not be away from my mate for a minute longer." An even angrier voice snapped.

"That wasn't the deal. The deal was we mated and then I have the next heir to the thrown and then you can have that loser ." The voice said with a chuckle.

"And I told you I'd see you in hell before that happened. If you didn't have his best friend Cedric I would have done killed you." The voice snapped back.

"Oh course I have him, he's my mate. And he will do whatever I want as long as I want and you know what will happen if you don't do what I want. I want the next Alpha king to be mine. I want the power." The annoying voice said.

"I don't think that will happen. Because I declined my position as the next Alpha king. My father will be announcing it tonight before the pack run. And be careful who you threaten. You will be ended. Remember what that ledger said bad things come to those who lie." The other voice said.

"Don't theater me Raycer, I always get what I want. Cedric is still hidden and you'll never find him until after I am already pregnant with your baby. No matter what he will be the next in line after who ever so nice try." The snotty voice said.

Oh my Goddess, oh my.

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