Act 4

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That night I dreamt about the hot and steamy mating that would happen with my mates and I. The thought of actually getting to mount them made me hotter then I had ever been. I woke up and had to take a cold bath but my lower problem didn't go down. It finally took me replaying the tea I'd had with my mom and Luna Isabella for all issues to deflate and sleep to become easier. That time I dreamt of pink tunics and yellow flowers.

"Derek..... derek...... derek.....derek." a voice whispered in my ear. Sparks flying all over my body and last night problem coming back to life.

"Wwwhaatt." I whined.

"We drew straws and your get to spend the day with me." The voice whispered sending shivers through me.

"I have to work." I said becoming more awake then was.

"Then I shall go to work with you." The sexy voice said.

"Okay, I need to get up wait for me on the terrace." I yawned before opening my eyes. Staring back at me was beautiful hazel eyes. Rhyne had hazel eyes, Ryan had blue and Raycer has a sea green color eyes it's the only way to tell them apart.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey." I mumbled back.

"Come on we have all day but it's not going to be long enough." He said pulling me up and out of bed but stopped once he had me out of the bed. Yep, I'm naked and his wolf was fighting to mate.

"Rhyne, terrace." I demanded and pointed.

"Hot damn." He yelled before taking off to cool off. My face was on fire. My body was as well.

I hurried and dressed in my normal white tunic and gray trousers and simple loafers. After a few deep calming breaths I was ready.

"Rhyne, we are having tea with my mom first." I said walking out onto the terrace. He was looking out over the garden as the sun was making its appearance.

"This is beautiful." He said.

"I love this view." I said looking at him.

"Do you watch this every morning?" He asked.

"Yeah and every night if I can I go out by the lake and watch the sun set. And by time I come in the Goddess has graced me with her light and fills my soul with energy, light and love." I said with a sigh.

"Then tonight we do all that. I will arrange dinner for us out here so we can bask in her beauty as we dine." He said sounding happy.

"Sure hun, let's go. I'm going to have an angry mom if we don't hurry and get down there. " I said trying to hide my excitement but he could see it in my eyes I could tell.

Hand and hand we walked down to the garden where my mother and the Queen sat. Mom's new bff. Rhyne chucked at the loud sigh that left me.

"Awe they are so cute together. We are going to have beautiful grand pups." My mom gushed out.

"Aries I think your boy is turning a lovely shade of red." Luna Isabella said making Rhyne laugh all out. I so wanted to elbow him. But that would be abuse and I for one am not a supporter or it so I will not be tempted.

"Good morning." I say talking a seat next to my mom and across from Luna Isabella.

"Good morning dear, sleep well?" Mom asked.

"Very well thank you, and you?" I asked pouring Rhyne and I both a cup of tea.

"The same as always. I have some plants dying off over in the east part of the garden and I think we have pups marking their territory so to speak." She said as she handed us a few biscuits.

"I'll have a word with Lady Connie about that. The orphans all play back there.b Luna Isabella said.

"I was just going to plant some different things back there more resistant to pups." Mom said laughing.

"I was thinking about building something more for them back there as well." Luna said.

"So you do this every morning?" Rhyne asked.

"Yes, tea then work. It's the only way my mom would allow me to move out." I said chuckling.

"Well I think it's sweet." Luna said.

"I love my morning tea." Mom said.

"I think it should be a new thing we all do as a family." Rhyne said.

"That would be lovely." Luna said.

I kind of liked the time mom and I had just the two of us. But I guess not that I have mates I'll never have that. This is going to so hard going from it being just me to us. I hope I can handle it .

Once tea was over Rhyne and I walked to the office where there was a line of at least eight or so people. I walked in with him in tow and with his help we were up and running. People filed in filled out forms and signed the ledgers. The day was steady and we worked well together. It was nice to get to know him and him me. I could fall for this Rhyne the Rhyne he is now.

"So now that we are done the office is locked and you are officially off for the night I am going to run andnnd change before we head to the lake if that's okay, I might fancy a swim whole we are there." He said smiling at me.

"We can meet by the south doors leading to the lake. My dad is on guard there today arena I can chat with him while I wait." I said.

"I'll hurry." He said before bolting off. I headed out to talk to my dad.

My dad and I chatted about the weather while we waited for Rhyne to show. My dad hasn't looked me in the eye since he realized how I would be mating. Silly dad guys have been doing it for ever.

"Ready?" Rhyne asked walked up to us.

"Sure hun, we need to hurry." I said hugging my dad before taking the hand Rhyne held out for me.

We run to the lake where I saw a blanket and some fruit waiting for us. Awe isn't he a charmer.

"So you did this?" I asked as he helped me onto the blanket.

"I may have." He said joining me.

"It's a nice touch. I normally shift and lay here as my wolf but this is a lot nicer." I said. In all honesty I haven't done this in a long time but it felt like the thing to do today.

"I could see why that would be nice as well. We might have to do that sometime. But for not let enjoy this fresh fruit the chef has nicely cut up for us." He said making me giggle. Silly boy.

"Yes indeed don't want it to go to waste." I said smiling at him.

"Here let me feed you." He said. And he did and I let him.

The sunset was one of the most beautiful ones I had ever seen and I was so glad to share it with Rhyne. He made it even better.

Once the sun had set we shifted before heading back to my suite. Dinner on the terrace. I couldn't wait.

Once home I shifted, dressed and unlocked my door. Rhyne followed my lead but I could feel his eye on me as I dressed but I ashamed to admit I got to see enough to know I wouldn't walk right once we mated.

"The food is already here." Rhyne said tugging my hand and pulling me out on the terrace.

"This is beautiful." I said feeling overwhelmed with just the details. The table was covered in and red and white fabric, the flowers was some of my mom's best roses and the candles made it look so romantic. It was romantic.

The moon was now almost a three quarter of the way showing and it was bright and high in the night sky. Stars shined like candles flickering in the darkness. Great kings, God's and nobleman have permanent placings with the Goddess of the Moon. Someday we will be blessed with our placing.

"I had the chef prepare something filling because you haven't eaten all day." Rhyne said.

"Neither have you." I pointed out.

"I did before waking you." He said with a wink.

"I love steak and potatoes." I said digging in. Before I lost myself in his eyes. He is a beautiful person and sexy beast. I am not worthy.

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