Act 5

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I awoke early because I had a feeling I would have company again today. Either Ryan or Raycer. I didn't want to be caught naked again. But when I awoke my bed was filled with a large man that smelled of lemons and grass.

"Raycer..... Raycer, hun...... Raycer wake up." I said gently as I lightly shook his massive shoulder.

Let me explain my mates in a nut shell, they are all tall and wide and thick with muscles. Black hair and each with their eye color. Throughout their travels they have aquired tribal markings each identical and amazing works of art.

I am not worthy.

"Raycer hun, wake up." I said once I was up and dressed. I was smarter the second time I attempted to wake him.

"Der... five more minutes." He mumbled.

"Okay but we will be late for tea with our mothers I'm sure." I sing songed. One thing I remember well about Rhyne is he is a mommas boy just like me.

3.......2........1......and he's up.

"Hi." I said giggling at his messy hair and sleepy eyes.

"Hey." He said coming over to me and hugging me. He smelt and felt so good.

"Sooooo...... good morning. And how long have you been here? How do you guys keep getting in?" I fired off at him.

"Morning, right after you fell asleep and dad gave us a key." He said yawning before pulling his shirt over his head.

"So nothing is private now that you guys are my mate?" I asked.

"Your thoughts are until we mate and you learn how to block us out. The Royal mind link is private and once we move you out of here and into our suite what ever you do without one of us in here is private, but good luck with ever being alone." He said now standing by the door.

"Wait, you guys can communicate through your minds?" I asked almost walking into him.

"Top secret, don't make me spank you for telling someone." He said with a wink before opening the door.

"I might like it." I mumbled but he heard me loud and clear. I blushed a deep red as I walked out the door. The sound came before I felt the smack to my butt, I yelled causing him to chuckle and me to blush even more. I won't tell him how much I liked it.

"I can't to have you my mate." He whispered in my ear. Shivers raked through my body. Damn him.

"Soooo, tea with the moms?" I said heading off towards the garden.

Rhyne grabbed my hand and we walked that way out to the garden. The table today had the king and queen, my mom and dad and some guy I didn't know. But I did feel Rhyne tense up when he seen him. He pulled his hand from mine and bumped my shoulder as he past me. It hurt, no lies but I don't think he ment it to.

"Good morning." I said taking my seat next to my mom, bowing to the king and queen before kissing my mom on the cheek.

"Please stop bowing." Luna Isabella said smiling at me.

"It's a respect thing. I'm sorry." I said smiling at her.

"Your a good man derek, but we will be family soon." She said before looking over to Rhyne.

"Family?" The guy asked.

"Oh yes, he is......" Alpha Marcus was saying before he was cut off.

"Mating into the family." Rhyne rushed on. WHAT????? Hold the dragons tail, what?

"Awe I see, well whoever the gal is she is one lucky one." He said. I was to stund, I think everyone at the table but Rhyne and the guy I don't know.

I could feel my emotions losing the battle inside of me. I didn't know if I wanted to cry, scream, fight or what. It was a bit overwhelming.

"You know I forgot I had a meeting this morning. Someone WAS excited to fill out their mating forms. Can't let them wait. I'll see you all tomorrow." I said smiling politely before standing and leaving. Rhyne didn't follow hr didn't even look at me.

To say I was surprised about what just happened would be correct. But then again I've known how unworthy of my mates I was and I'm glad to get this all done and out of the way. I have fun memories from yesterday to remeber.

Once I was away I shifted and took off. I was better emotionally while in my wolf. He would help me deal with the rejection that could either kill us or not.

I ran to my favorite meadow and laid under the willow tree. The unicorns were grazing down the hill by the giant oak tree. They were beautiful animals but rare. Our kingdom had about 12 or so small heards.

There is a large amount of rare creatures here and each on bring a special beauty to our kingdom. I love them all.

I laid under the willow for a long time before drifting off to sleep. I dreamt of pain and loneliness. I woke up sweaty and crying. The darkness scared me. The only comfort was the fireflies and fairies flying around. The only way to tell the difference is by their flight pattern. Fairies fly high and drive down fast. Fireflies move like they are dancing. In fact I would say it's their mating dance. The fairies I believe are putting the flowers and the animals to sleep. But that's just a guess.

Slowly I got up and made my way back to my suite. I prayed nobody was there waiting for me. I just wanted to be alone. Like I have been all my life.

I don't know whether or not to be disappointed or to be thankful that my suite was empty. Like nobody even noticed he was gone.

After a quick bath and a chair in front of the door I crawled into bed and begged the Goddess of the Moon to allow me to sleep forever.

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