Act 10

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I calmed my racing heart and closed my eyes just before the door opened. I heard footsteps before the bed dipped. I could smell him and it was making me uncomfortable if ya know what I mean.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm trying to do the right thing and save your friend. Bellevue is an evil guy and will hurt anyone to get what he wants. I've known him all my life. He's been evil since birth. I promise you I will not mate with him. My dad is working on a way to have him arrested or something. And I am not giving up my title. We will find your friend and get rid of the evil. Soon baby, soon." Raycer whispered before the weight on the bed lifted and foot steps could be heard making their way away from the bed towards the door. Once it closed I let the breath I had been holding go.

So he does love me, he wants me, I am still his mate. Awe my poor Cedric. He has an evil mate. I wish he could find a second chance mate so he could be happy. And my mate or mates are doing what they can to save my friend. The heart is worth it. Cedric is like a brother I never had. My hero, my best friend my brother.

Tears leaked out of my eyes again but this time for my friend. He deserved so much more then he is getting.

"Goddess of the Moon, it's me derek. Could you please help my mates and family find my friend Cedric the cute knight with the blond hair and blue eyes. He's being held by his evil mate and doesn't deserve it. He is so nice and caring. He's my best friend and brother. I really wish or hope maybe pray for him to get a second chance mate. Someone who will love him and care for him. It would be amazing. He is a wonderful person. Thank you Goddess. Love you." Derek said before falling into a deep exhausting sleep.

The next time he woke up it was light out and he was starving. He check for anyone in the room before going to the bathroom to go potty and tale a bath. All that sleep makes you stink. When he came out of the bathroom he noticed a tray with food, all his favorites, tea, biscuits and bacon and eggs. Yum. He didn't even bother to question why or how it got there all he cared about was he had food.

Once full he was filled with energy. That gave him the incentive to check out the room he was in. The room was huge. But didn't have a lot in it. A huge bed like 4 times the size of a normal bed. There was a seating area by one of the big windows. Just a table and four chairs but all padded and comfy looking chairs. A bowl of fruit was in the center and two candles on either side of it. Two loungers were on the other side of the bed with a table between them. And two night stands on either side of the bed. So simple.

Inside the closet the overwhelming smell of my mates made it difficult to walk. The closet was huge and sectioned off into four separate sections. One had all my clothes and thing in it. Awe finally fresh clothes. Weird that they was here already. What happened to the rest of my things? There was another door inside the closet but it was locked and no key insight.

The bathroom was not surprisingly huge as well. Two basins, two urinals and a toilet. But the tub wow that tub. I enjoyed my swim so to speak. I swear it is as big if not bigger then my spring back at the cave. And there is a water thing in there over a low fire that you just tip it by pulling a rope and it pours into the tub. Which has a pug so no dumping you pull the plug and the water disappears. It's an amazing feature. But the view. The view was the best part. I would be able to watch the sun set from that tub. And never leave this suite. Or that tub. I could so get use to this.

After going through the room like five times and eating all the fruit I got bored. Really bored so nap number 9867627384 took place. Lazy. I feel lazy.

A/N: so a little short a bit boring but it will pick up next chapter. :0)

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