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Not sure if it will be short or not but allow me to get my thanks

RANT TME: I swear I'm so fucking pissed right now. I had this chapter wrote. I finished it on my last break at work but wanted to make sure I didn't want to add anything and watt pad decided to update and the whole fucking thing is gone. Fuck off and fuck you.: RANT OVER.

This is why I stopped writing.

"Aerobella shift back, now." I said ready to give up.

"Out of the three she is the only one who can shift back and forth with out trouble.

"Babe, let her be. I've got here go relax." Raycer said.

I smiled and hurried to go before he changed his mind she is a hand full. The A's are almost six years old now. And although you can shift at birth you don't learn to control it until your about ten. Aerobella seems to have mastered it.

Right after the A's were born Ryan decided if he was going to carry my pups then he was going to do so then. So that is how we got Juniper and Jupiter the J's. Those two boys are just like there dad. Raycer went next having a sweet little girl we named Pepper. She is so sweet and calm natured. I think she is the only one that looks and acts just like me. Rhyne had Stone and Sage the S's. Boy and girl. Stone looks just like his dad and sage looks like a me but with brown hair. These two are your normal run of the mill kids. They are three but act and look older. They love to get into everything and ask millions of questions.
I love all of our kids and am happy with our family.

I visit my cave often. It's my safe haven. It's where I go when I need a moment. It's our get away when someone decides they want the kids or one on one time. But it has always remained mine.

About a year back my unicorn friend become sick and slowly the herds died off. We don't know why or how but I cried for a month. Ryan sent trackers to see if he could find more and it is as if the whole world had been cleared of them. I cried some more.

The fairies got spoked by the unicorns dying and went into hiding. My friend would visit every once in a while but soon she stopped coming all together. I cried some more. I think I'm emotional.

Cedric and Scorpio are expecting the second baby. Any day now. And their little girl is so cute. The named her Freedom because Cedric said that how he felt once he met Scorpio. I oh'd and awe'd as he blushed through his story once he had been cleaned up.from giving birth.

My parents and the former king and queen all live in a section of the castle. Close enough to spoil the kids but far enough that we all have our own little haven. It works for us.

"Mommy." Aero cried when he saw me.

"Hey, what you doing?" I asked.

"Painting." He said pointing to his picture. It was of the moon. And beautiful. Let it dry and mom will hang it.

"Look at mine mommy." Arrow squealed. He was always happy.

"Beautiful as well, let it dry and mom will hang it with Aero's." I said smiling at the two.

"The J's are hungry." Ryan said as he chased a cute little Pepper through the suite.

"Rhyne took the S's down to get food." I told him and continued out to the balcony where I was heading.

Once outside I found my favorite sear swing. I asked my dad to build me something I could sit with the kids, take a naps or just to sit and swing while I watched the sun set.

Over the years we have gained so many new members. Mostly those of the same sex mating. It seems other packs frown apone it. I don't understand why. A mate is a mate and nothing you believe can stop that.

"Hey you okay?" Ryan asked.

"Just enjoying the peace." I told him. He joined me on my swing.

"Your dad did a great job making this." He said.

"Yeah I love it. You know I have been thinking. I really love my life. It's been good. Things turned out better then I thought." I said.

"Well I'm happy your happy. I'm happy with the way things turned out as well. I've got you, our kids and great brothers a kingdom and pack. There is nothing more I could ask for..... well maybe a baby." He said.

"Okay...... give it about three months and you can have that, I guess." I said absent-mindedly putting my hand on my small baby bump.

"What?" He demanded.

"I said give it about...." his lips were on mine shutting me up completely.

"Oooh." I want some." Rhyne said coming to the other side of me.

"We're going to be dad's again." Ryan said once he released my lips. Rhyne had already had his one mine as the words come out of Ryans mouth.

"Really?" Raycer asked excitingly.

"Yeah." I giggled once I had the life kissed out of me three different times.

"How many?" Raycer asked.

"Four." I said rolling my eyes. This is why I didn't want to get pregnant again. I will always have three or more.

That makes it a dozen right?" Rhyne asked.

"Yeah." I said yawning. "I'm hungry for a nice reef roast. With potatoes and veggies." I said yawning again. I leaned my head on Rhyne ' s shoulder and closed my eyes.

Life was good and our family was growing. The kingdom was thriving it was the perfect time for a nap, sandwiched in between my mates. I could hear my kids and I could feel the new ones moving as sleep took me.

A/N: awe my babies. I'm going to miss them. No second book. Sorry guys. I don't like to continue my stories. Maybe if I ever get super board I'll think about it.

I dedicate this to all of you. And to EM_Castillo thank you for the dedications you're beautiful. :0)

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