{Part 15}

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Word Count: 1415
Inside, Undyne and Alphys were each eating a slice of Toriel's pie while Undyne was subtly flirting with her. You giggled when you saw Alphys blush. You looked over at Mettaton who was talking with Toriel and you heard a bit of their conversation. It sounded like they were talking about Mettaton's cooking show. Toriel could share a few recipes, you thought. You walked over and took a slice of Toriel's pie and tried it. Your eyes widened in surprise and you wolfed down the rest of the pie. Sans walked over and laughed.
"Hungry much?"
Your mouth was still full so you gave him a look instead. You heard something behind you and turned around to see Undyne holding up a bottle.
"Where did you get the-"
"Who wants to play truth or dare?"
Mettaton gasped and smiled then grabbed your arm and pulled you over.
"We're all playing darling!"
Undyne sat down on the ground and everyone sat in a circle around the bottle. You sat next to Papyrus and Mettaton with Sans across from you. Undyne spun the bottle and it landed on Mettaton. He smiled and looked over at Undyne.
"Ok Mettaton, truth or dare?"
Undyne thought for a minute.
"Hmm...I dare you to prank call Blooky!"
Mettaton gasped.
"But he's my friend!"
"You have too! It's a dare! And it doesn't have to be mean."
Mettaton sighed.
"Who has a phone?"
Alphys handed Mettaton her phone and he typed in a number. Everyone waited quietly until they heard a soft voice on the other end of the line.
Mettaton cleared his throat and started to speak in a different voice.
"Is this Sherman?"
"I said is this Sherman?"
"Uh...I think you have the wrong number-"
"No this has to be Sherman. He gave me this number."
"...I'm sorry I don't know any Sherman."
"Oh. Well I'm sorry Bloo- I mean...sir."
Mettaton hung up and glared at Undyne.
"You know how I don't like to do that to Blooky."
Undyne grinned.
"That's why I dared you to do it! And it wasn't even that good of a prank call, but I'll let you pass just this once."
She spun the bottle again and this time, it landed on Sans. Undyne grinned evilly.
"Oh this is gonna be fun..."
Sans nervously looked at Undyne.
"Ok, Sans. Truth or dare?"
"...uh, truth."
Undyne grinned.
"Who do you like?"
Sans stared at Undyne.
"Who. Do. You. Like?"
Sans nervously looked at his hands. He mumbled something and Undyne leaned in.
"Can you say that a bit louder?"
He mumbled it a bit louder but still no one could hear.
"Saaaaaannnnnsss. We can't hear-"
He suddenly stood up, blushing.
"I'm gonna go get some fresh air."
He rushed outside and Papyrus rushed after him. You stood up and walked over to the door, Undyne continuing the game behind you. You peeked outside to see Sans and Papyrus talking outside. You could barely hear what they were saying but you caught a few words.
"...can't tell them...have to wait...tonight...I'm not sure...please no..."
You went back inside, trying to figure out what that meant. You heard footsteps and rushed away from the door as Papyrus and Sans walked back in. You acted casual, looking at the gingerbread house and eating a bit. Sans sat on the couch while Papyrus went into the kitchen saying something about making "Christmas spaghetti". You walked over to Sans and sat next to him on the couch. He notice him blush a bit.
"Why did you leave?"
"I didn't want to announce it over some stupid game."
"Well, that makes sense."
"Yeah, they don't need to know that yet."
"...uh, well, who DO you like?"
Sans hesitates and blushed harder. He sighed then looked up at you and smiled.
"Maybe later."
~Time Skip~
Everyone was laughing and talking around the house. You and Sans were by the Christmas tree laughing over his jokes.
"Ok, ok. What season is it when you are on a trampoline?"
You suppressed a giggle.
"Spring time."
You snorted and started laughing which made Sans start laughing. You heard rustling above you and looked up to see something attached to a string. You heard a sharp gasp and looked at Sans who was blushing hard.
"Why are you-"
You suddenly realized what the thing was. At first it had just looked like I bunch of leaves. But if you looked closely you could see a few red berries. You felt your face get hot and noticed that everyone had stopped talking and was looking at you and Sans. You followed the string and saw Papyrus by the couch holding a stick that the string was tied to. He grinned at you and Sans. Suddenly Undyne started chanting.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
You stared at her.
She smiled and kept chanting. You looked back over at Sans who was covering his blushing face with his hands. You felt your own face blazing hot with blush and glared at Undyne. She laughed.
"Oh come on! You have to! You're underneath mistletoe!"
You looked back at Sans who had uncovered his face. He looked at you and gave a sheepish smile.
"Heh. You asked who I liked..."
Shocked, you realized who he was talking about. You. How had you been so blind? There had always been little signs here and there but you had always ignored them.
"Heh, now I feel stupid. I should've known-"
You were cut off by Sans pressing his teeth/lips (idk just go with it) against yours. You tensed up in surprise then melted into the kiss. Your face was still hot but you no longer cared. You could hear Undyne teasing you and Sans but it felt far off. Sans reached for your hand and you held it. You could hear more teasing and that's when you realized how long you had been kissing. You pulled away, your face blazing, and saw that his face wasn't any different. You let out a nervous laugh and Sans smiled sheepishly. Undyne started laughing and you glared at her. You had enough. You reached up and grabbed the string, yanking it away from Papyrus. Before she could do anything, you put the mistletoe above Undyne and Alphys. Alphys let out a screech and started blushing hard. Undyne stared at the mistletoe then at you then at Alphys. She smiled and grabbed Alphys by the shoulders and kissed her. Alphys' face was as red as a tomato and Undyne's was also red. Undyne pulled apart with Alphys unable to move. You laughed when you saw Alphys and then looked at Undyne with a smirk. She was still blushing and avoided eye contact with you. You looked back over at Sans who was smiling at you. You smiled back and dropped the mistletoe. Toriel walked up to everyone and smiled.
"Now, I think that's enough mistletoe for tonight. It's late and I think we should be heading to bed."
~Time Skip~
Everyone had gotten down blankets and pillows and made makeshift beds. Blankets and pillows were everywhere on the ground in chaos. Undyne and Alphys lied down near the couch snuggled up against a bunch of pillows. Papyrus was asleep on the couch and Toriel was asleep in a chair with a blanket. Mettaton was leaning against the wall with a bunch of pillows and blankets, asleep. You and Sans were the only ones still awake. You both were by the Christmas tree, laying down in the pillows and blankets. You kept replaying the kiss in your head, smiling to yourself. You heard Sans clear his throat (again, idk how that works) and you looked over at him.
"So...about earlier..."
You blushed.
"Yeah...so...you like me?"
Sans blushed.
"Uh...yeah. I mean, you don't have to-"
"I like you too."
Sans blushed harder and you smiled.
"So, we like each other back?"
You smiled.
"Looks that way doesn't it?"
He let out a laugh and you blushed. He has such a wonderful laugh- STOP. YOU'RE BEING SAPPY. You felt your eyelids getting heavy and your breathing getting shallow. You snuggled up to Sans who flinched slightly. He hesitated before putting an arm around you which made you smile.
"G'night Sans..."
"...Good night (Y/n)."
Aww! Dis one was cute! And tomorrow morning is Christmas! Yay! Anyways, I'm actually at a grocery store right now so I'm gonna go, bye!

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