{Part 25}

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Word Count: 1493
You woke up and noticed that everyone else was still asleep. You sat up and yawned looking around the room. Sans slept peacefully beside you and you smiled. You loved that punny skeleton. You stood up and walked upstairs to your room to shower and change. You took a quick shower then changed into a purple tshirt with skinny jeans and red converse. You grabbed a faded orange hoodie and pulled it on over your clothes. You brushed your hair and put it into a ponytail. You grabbed your phone and stuffed it in your pocket then grabbed your light blue scarf and wrapped it around your neck. You walked downstairs to see Papyrus waking up. You smiled at him and walked over.
"Wanna help me make omelettes?"
Papyrus smiled.
You held out your hand for him to take and he stood up.
"You'll see when we're finished. C'mon!"
                             ~Time Skip~
You walked out of the kitchen with you and Papyrus balancing plates of omelettes. You had a plate balanced on your head and were holding a plate in each hand. You set the plates on the table next to the ones Papyrus set down. You noticed your friends starting to wake up and turned around. Mettaton stood up and walked over to the table, smiling at you and Papyrus.
"Good morning darlings! Did you two make breakfast?"
The omelettes had turned out better than you thought since you were cooking with Papyrus. They smelled and looked delicious. You couldn't wait to eat it. Sans started to wake up while Undyne and Alphys stretched and yawned. They walked over and smiled when they saw the omelettes. You looked over at Sans who was sitting up and yawning. He looked over and smiled at you and you smiled back. He walked over and leaned closer to whisper something to you.
"Thanks for helping Pap make breakfast. He really appreciates it."
You smiled.
"It was fun, and don't worry, this breakfast is edible. I made sure."
Sans let out a laugh and everyone sat down to eat. The omelettes tasted really good. After breakfast, Alphys went back to her lab to work on something and told everyone to come by at around three. Undyne and Papyrus went out for his cooking lessons while Mettaton left to do a show. You and Sans started cleaning up the living room and putting the blankets and pillows back in the closet. You decided to call Toriel over and pulled out your phone. You called her number and heard someone pick up at the other end.
"Hi Toriel."
"Oh hello my child! Why did you call?"
"Would you like to come over today?"
"I'd love to! When should I come?"
"Whenever, me and Sans are a bit bored with everyone else having plans."
"Ok, I'll be over there in ten minutes!"
"Great! See you then!"
You hung up and put your phone back in your pocket. You smiled and thought to yourself. This is going to be a good day.
~Time Skip~
You heard a knock at the door and rushed over to open it. Toriel stood in the doorway and smiled when she saw you.
"Hello my child!"
You smiled back.
"Hi Tori! Come in!"
She walked inside and Sans smiled and waved.
"Hiya Tori."
"Hello Sans, so what would you two like to do?"
You thought.
"Well, we have to be over at Alphys' lab at three and it's noon. We've got three hours to burn so I thought we could do something fun. I dunno what though."
Sans sat up from the couch.
"We could always go to Grillbys."
Toriel gave Sans a confused look.
"What's Grillbys?"
He smiled.
"Oh now we're definitely going."
He stood up off the couch and everyone walked outside. You snuggled in deeper into your hoodie and scarf, smiling when it started to snow. You caught a snow flake on your tongue and Toriel tried too. You all made it to Grillbys and walked inside where it was warm. Sans led you and Tori over to a booth and then walked over to the bar. He said something to Grillby, probably everyone's order, then walked back. He sat down in the booth next to you.
"What did you get us?"
"Is hot chocolate okay?"
You smiled.
"Perfect. I've actually never had the hot chocolate here. Is it good?"
Sans shrugged.
"How would I know? I only get ketchup and sometimes fries."
You laughed and then Sans smiled.
"I've got an idea of what we could do to pass the time? Puns!"
"Oh no not the puns!"
Toriel smiled.
"I have one! Okay, why was the skeleton afraid to jump off the diving board?"
"He didn't have the guts!"
You snorted and Sans laughed.
"I have one too. How many tickles does it take for an octopus to laugh?"
You shrugged.
"How many?"
Sans smiled.
You and Toriel started laughing just as three mugs of hot chocolate were set down on the table. Grillby walked away and you grabbed a mug. You sipped at the warm drink and was surprised that it didn't burn your tongue. It was the perfect temperature. Sans and Toriel grabbed their mugs and started to drink too.
"This hot chocolate is amazing!"
Sans smiled.
"Yeah, it really is."
"I need to come here more often."
You smiled.
"That means you'll be able to visit more often!"
Toriel smiled.
"Yep. And that means I can show you how to make cinnamon butterscotch pie!"
You smiled at the thought just as you finished your drink. Everyone else finished theirs after you and then started to tell puns again.
                           ~Time Skip~
You, Sans, and Toriel headed towards Alphys' lab in Hotland. You walked inside to see Alphys talking with Undyne, Papyrus, and Mettaton. When she saw you, she smiled.
"H-Hey guys! Come o-on over here!"
You walked over and saw a doorway where the bathroom should've been.
"What's down there?"
Alphys smiled.
"A n-new lab that I d-discovered! C-come on!"
Everyone follows Alphys downstairs and to the old hidden lab. There was a fine line of dust on the floor and the lighting wasn't that great. You let your eyes adjust before being able to see more clearly. Alphys led everyone through a confusing maze of halls before you all entered a big room with a huge skull looking machine attached to the wall. It was huge and looked like it could fit a whole person. You walked over to it and was about to touch it when you heard Alphys.
"D-don't! I don't k-know what it d-does yet!"
You pulled your hand back, looking curiously at it. While Alphys was talking to your friends, you saw a smooth panel of glass against the wall. It looked like an iPad screen, so you tapped it. When you pulled your finger away, your fingerprint left a mark on the smooth glass as the device came to life. A femal robotic voice filled the room.
Species labeled HUMAN. Process affirmative. Begin injection.
A claw-like robotic arm came out from the ceiling and moved towards you. Alphys and your friends were running towards you when the claw grabbed you by your waist and the skull machine opened up. You screamed as the claw put you inside the machine and started strapping you down inside.
Alphys was furiously trying to fix the controls while the rest of your friends were trying to help you. Once you were firmly strapped down inside the machine, the claw pulled out and the door began to close. You struggled against the straps, tears starting to form.
"(Y/N)!! NO!!"
You saw Sans, his left eye glowing, trying with all his might to get you out. The claw seemed to be fighting them, preventing your friends from helping you. Just before the door closed and everything went dark, you saw Sans look at you, crying. The door closed when you started to hear pounding from the other side of the door. You heard spraying from inside the tiny space you were in and started to feel sleepy. Gas was building up inside the small chamber and making you tired. Right before you fell into a very deep sleep, you heard the female robotic voice.
Begin injection.
Hi guys. If you couldn't already tell, this is the ending of the first book of "Unexpected Love". But don't worry, the second book will come out soon. I'll be posting another part today to tie off the lose ends in this book and then publish it and call it finished. This was a lot of fun to write and I enjoyed it! I gotta go write the next part quickly so I'll see you guys later, bye!

Unexpected Love | Sans x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن