{Part 19}

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Word Count: 1507
You woke up on the couch with Sans' jacket around you. You heard talking and looked up to see Toriel, Papyrus, Mettaton, and Sans in the room. You felt something soft on your arms and legs. You looked down to see them wrapped in gauze. You looked tough with the bandages on. The thought made you let out a quiet laugh. Toriel noticed and looked over to see you awake. She smiled and rushed over to you.
"How are you feeling my child?"
"Fine, I guess, how long was I out?"
Sans walked over.
"About a day and a half."
You quickly sat up and stared at Sans.
"You're joking, right?"
"Nope, you blacked out in the clearing so I carried you home and woke up Pap. He called Tori while I went to get the first aid kit. When Tori came over she bandaged you up and stayed here since then."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Toriel looked confused.
"There is no need to apologize my child."
"No, really. If I had any brains I would've stayed inside and not gone out into the middle of the night alone after a threatening nightmare. None of this would've happened if-"
You were cut off by Toriel hugging you.
"Please do not apologize. You didn't know what was going to happen. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
You hugged her back.
"It's fine...mom. Sans was there."
Toriel smiled at the word 'mom' and looked at Sans.
"And for that I thank him."
Sans smiled and shrugged. He probably didn't like the attention.
"It was no problem."
You put your legs on the floor and started to stand up. You expected to fall back down but your legs didn't even wobble. In fact, they didn't even hurt, neither did your arms.
"It doesn't hurt, that's...weird."
You looked at your arm and started to take off the bandage.
"I'm not sure you should take it off. Your arm might not be healed and we don't need you fainting again."
You winced at the word 'fainting'. Great. Now you sounded like a freaking damsel in distress. You took off the whole bandage and stared in amazement at your arm. Not a single scrape, cut, or bruise was on your arm. You took off the bandage on the other arm and it looked the same.
You took off both of the leg bandages, and just like your arms, they didn't have any traces of the thorn marks or bruises.
"Wow, that's...this is amazing."
Mettaton smiled and put his hands on his hips.
"Perfect! Now you can come to the ball I'm hosting!"
You stopped.
"Ball? You have those here?"
"Well, not frequently. Only sometimes, and I'm hosting it!"
You thought back to Christmas morning. Was this what Mettaton was planning?
"Uh, when is it?"
"Tomorrow night. But don't worry, we're going to go dress shopping for you today!"
"We are?"
"Yep! So get ready because we're leaving in half an hour!"
~Time Skip~
Half an hour later, you and Mettaton were walking towards MTT Resort to go dress shopping. You walked inside the resort and Mettaton led you towards a store. You looked inside and gasped.
"It's very, uh, pink."
Mettaton smiled.
"The best color!"
"Do you have...I dunno...any other colors?"
"Yes, they're over in that store."
He pointed to a store across from the one you were in.
"Could we go there first?"
Mettaton smiled.
"I suppose, it is your dress after all."
You and Mettaton walked over to the store and walked in. You saw dresses of all shapes, sizes, and colors lining the walls and hanging on racks.
"Where do we begin?"
Mettaton pulled you over to a corner where a bunch of (D/l) (<Dress length) silky dresses were. You touched one and were amazed at how soft it was. You looked at the tag and saw that someone named "Muffet" had created it. And the price wasn't too much. You looked at the dresses and saw a pretty (D/l) (F/c) dress. You pulled it off the rack and looked over at Mettaton. He smiled at your choice and pointed towards the changing rooms.
"You can go try it on while I look for some other dresses for you to try on."
You walked over to the dressing room and changed into the silky dress. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. It was perfect. Since no one was looking, you twirled in front of the mirror, causing the dress to spread out. Someone knocked on the door and you could hear Mettaton's voice.
"I found some lovely dresses that I think you'll-"
Mettaton stopped when you walked out of the dressing room. He smiled and set the other dresses on a table.
"Forget the other dresses, this one is absolutely stunning! You have to get it!"
You looked at the dress and smiled.
"I'll take it."
                             ~Time Skip~
You opened the door to the skelebros house to see Toriel and Papyrus talking while Sans slept on the couch. Before you walked inside, Mettaton held you back and whispered in your ear.
"Don't let anyone see the dress yet until the ball tomorrow."
"Ok, why?"
"We want it to be a surprise."
You smiled and thanked Mettaton again for buying the dress.
"Don't mention it. Now, I have to take Papyrus and Sans shopping because I'm sure they don't have anything fancy to wear, I'll see you later darling."
Mettaton walked inside and you followed. You walked up to your room and lied the dress on your bed. You smiled and couldn't help feeling a little excited for tomorrow night. Then you felt dread. What if this was what Mettaton was planning? He said it would have to be over the top or not at all. You hoped nothing bad will happen. You looked at the time, surprised to see that it was almost ten at night. Had you been at the resort with Mettaton for that long? You grabbed your pajamas and quickly showered and changed. You crawled into bed and closed your eyes, falling asleep...

You opened your eyes and found that you were in a small bedroom. There was a huge pink four-poster bed and a huge closet. The rug was a pretty grey and the walls were also pink. Mettaton would like this room. You saw Chara sitting on the bed smiling at you.
"Why hello there (Y/n)."
You glared at them.
"Hello Chara."
They smirked.
"No need for you to be fussy at me. I haven't even done anything wrong..."
They smiled.
"What do you want. I know it was you who sent those vines after me."
Chara pouted.
"I did send them out but it wasn't me who controlled those vines. Hmm, what's the name of that weed? Flowey?"
You stared at them. That was Flowey? He did that? I guess he's got more tricks in his roots than you thought. Chara smiled.
"Yes, Flowey, or should I say, Asriel, does look non-threatening. But don't be fooled."
"Ugh, just get to the point! Why are you here?"
They smiled.
"To tell you that tomorrow will be...interesting."
"What...what are you gonna do?"
"All I'm doing is simply putting my plan into action. Controlling you."
You glared at them.
"I won't let you. I'm strong, I'll fight it."
They gave you a look of pity.
"You can try, but you'll fail. Soon, all your friends will be nothing but piles of dust."
You thought of all your friends, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Papyrus, Toriel. Sans. You couldn't let Chara get them. You wouldn't let Chara get them. Chara smiled at you.
"Thinking you can beat me? Too bad, there isn't a way."
You lunged at Chara, surprising them. They tried to dodge but you got there first. You pinned them to the bed with one hand around their throat. Chara simply laughed.
"You're strong. That's good. It'll be harder for monsters to fight back tomorrow."
You tightened your grip around their throat, causing them to choke out their words.
"Who should, *cough*, I kill first?"
You tightened. Chara smiled.
"How about that *cough* smiley trash bag?"
You punched them in the face, still having a tight grip on their neck. With your hands no longer holding them down, Chara pushed you off and onto the floor. You stood up and glared at Chara. They smiled and disappeared.
"Come back coward!"
Nothing happened. You sat down on the bed and looked over at the closet. It seemed significant, but you didn't know why. You felt yourself waking up and lied down on the bed. Before waking, you made a promise.
"I won't ever let Chara succeed."
Hiya guys! Next chapter will probably be really long to be prepared. Also, since it'll be really long, it'll probably take longer than usual to write. But I'll make sure to get it out to you guys tomorrow (I hope).

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