♥{5} A Scenario

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July 6th 2016, 14:15

At the last day of school, I was thinking of possible scenarios under the name "How to Confess My Love to You". I thought of just approaching you after we've done our last exam, and it would go like this:

"Hey, erm, can you keep texting me even though school is over?"

You look at me surprised by my odd question. "Yeah sure. We'll stay in touch." You smile and rub the back of your neck.

Then I get the courage to finally, after 3 years, confess my love to you. "You know? I care about you so much. I don't know why. Well actually I do." I look down afraid of your response and take a deep breath. "I... I love you. It was always you." An awkward silence fills the atmosphere. Then I continue, "With that being said, I guess... I should probably go now, take care." I thought I could just say that. What's the worst that could happen?

But I couldn't be so cruel to myself and imagine that you'll let me leave, without saying something back to me. So instead I imagine when I'm leaving, you'd run all the way to me and tap my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I should've been more courageous. I wanted to be the first who says I love you but I thought you'd never think of me more than a friend. I love you too." And I would see a huge smile spread on your face, a sparkle lightening your brown eyes. You'd wrap your arms around me in an infinite hug.

That's when I snap back to reality from my daydream and realize that we could never be together. That smile of yours can only be seen when you're with her and that sparkle in your eyes can only be caught when you're looking at her. But I'm not her.

~ Zeina

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