♥{79} Those Friends

161 21 18

June 21st 2017, 13:33

Let me tell you something.
You don't have to be in a relationship.
I mean it. I know society forces it down your throat until you choke on it... "Girls aren't pretty unless they're wanted and boys aren't men unless they're having sex with someone."
But being in a relationship isn't always the key to happiness.

Look around and contemplate those friends who, although their busy lives, always find time for your problems and rants.
Those friends who help you unload everyday's burden and release you from the most painful chains.
Those friends who sometimes forget themselves in order to make that smile reappear on your face.
Those friends who'd choose sitting with you on the rooftop, listening to you rambling about your ex, over a night out at the pub.
Those friends who truly love you and want what's best for you even if what's best for you doesn't include them.
Those friends who stick by your side and knock some sense into you when it's needed.
Those friends who tell you when you're being an idiot but not before they join in with your foolishness.
Those friends who don't tell you what you want to hear but rather what is best and right for you.
Those friends who saw every dark shadow inside you... And stayed.
Those friends who bury down their feelings in the deepest corner in their heart and accept staying in the friendzone just so they remain by your side. Is it enough for them? No, certainly not. But at least they're content.

Those friends my dear are the ones who bring true happiness to your life.
Don't lose them, ever.

~ Zeina

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