Chapter 4 |Lost and Found|

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Full from a good lunch (Fitz had been right, the stew was amazing), Sophie decided to head out for a walk.

There were parks everywhere, and trees surrounded the town. The people here had made paths through the little forests, and often she saw others running out of the trees.

The scenery was better than Sophie had expected. It was a lot quieter in the parks, and the people who were sitting around or jogging must've known to respect the nature.

As she stepped into a clearing, Sophie looked around for a second. Everywhere looked the same, and no where looked like where home was.

She stumbled down another path, feeling slightly panicked.

"You must be lost."

Sophie started at the voice, looking up to find a guy sitting on the ground with his back to a tree, a notebook in his lap. He gazed at her with curious, ice blue eyes.

She blinked. The trees had begun to clear out. "How do you know?"

He smirked. "Well, were you planning on walking right over a cliff?" He indicated behind him, where the sound of waves and large gusts of wind came at her.

"Oh." Sophie bit her lip. Okay, now she was totally lost.

The guy stood, picking up a backpack that was sitting beside the tree and putting his notebook in it. Sophie noticed his Batman sweater. He walked over to her after shouldering his bag, sticking out his hand.

"Keefe Sencen."

"Sophie Foster." She was about to shake his hand when he pulled it away suddenly.

He smiled apologetically. "Sorry." Keefe showed her his hand, which was covered in black. "Charcoal. It gets everywhere." He wiped it on his pant leg, and shook out his messy blond hair before offering his hand again.

They shook.

"Come on, then. I'll show you the way back," Keefe began to walk, and Sophie fell into step with him.

She noticed him furrow his eyebrows after a few seconds of silence. Sophie looked at him. "What?"

Keefe smirked. "I just remembered: your the Sophie that Fitz had to take care of."

"I wouldn't put it that way."

"Neither would I, but that's what I heard." Keefe grinned, and on him it looked wicked.

They walked for a while more, and using what he called a "shortcut," the pair arrived at the back of an apartment building.

"That's where you live."

"How do you know?" Sophie questioned.

Keefe smirked. "Is that how it's going to be with you, Foster?"

"That doesn't answer my question."

He sighed. "Fine, this is where Fitz lives. Is that better?"

Sophie nodded. "Yes, thank you." As she walked towards the building, Keefe called out to her.

"By the way, I wouldn't mention that we're friends to Fitz!"

Sophie turned around.


Keefe grinned at her. "He gets really jealous."

Sophie blinked as he turned around and walked back to the trees, pulling up the black hood of his sweater.

She couldn't help but notice the bat ears that perked out from his head.

When you use the first book as a reference.
Hope you enjoyed.

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