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Knock Knock Knock

Sophie grumbled, trying to set the cushion of the sofa back into place (she had been sure the TV remote had managed to crawl into there) before walking over to the door.

"Before you say anything, this is actually worth your time. I mean, it's not like the Donald Trump on my bathroom floor wasn't, but I guess this could be mo—"

"Let me just...stop you there," Sophie interrupted, holding up her hands.

Keefe blinked.


Keefe smirked. "You're going to listen to me, really, Foster? I thought you learned from be—"

She closed the door.

There was a light thump, and Keefe's muffled voice sounded a few seconds later.

"Okay, in all seriousness, this is important."

The door opened a crack.

"I found Hillary."

"I hate you."


(It really was her!)


Then they went downstairs, and before she knew it, Sophie was trying not to trip (failing, twice) while Keefe lead her outside. His hand was still over her face even after she felt the cool breeze hit her skin. She cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Biana!" She heard Keefe snap.

The other girl (who must have been out there too) hummed in response.

Keefe sighed, and finally peeled his hand away.

Sophie blinked.

It was a car. A very shiny, blue, expensive car that was being petted by a teenage girl and couldn't possibly belong to...

"No way."

Keefe smirked. "Meet Mister Jaeger."

"No way!" Sophie squealed, rushing to the car and peering in through the window. "This is...yours?"

Keefe nodded.


He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, giving her a lopsided smile. "Me and Dad made, eh...a bet, of some sorts." He walked over to her. "Can you guess who won?"

Keefe walked around to the drivers side, pushing Biana (who was running her finger over the smooth surface of the roof and murmuring things that shouldn't be said to a car) aside and opening the door. It swung up, like in the spy movies.

"Get in."

Sophie wasted no time plopping herself into the plush leather seat next to him. She breathed in. So this is what real money smells like, she thought.

Biana had scrambled into the back seat. "Let's go!" She hollered.

Keefe glanced back at her in annoyance before starting the engine and rolling down the windows. He held out his hand.



They made it just past Slurps & Burps before—

"Biana, get out of the car!"

"It was a joke, Keefe! Please!"


Biana got out of the car.


"That was pretty rude."

Keefe shrugged, bumping her with his arm, smirking. "Hey, Team Foster-Keefe needs a little alone time, too!"

They were leaning against Mister Jaeger, who was parked on an empty road in the middle of a forest with trees that touched the sky and blocked out the sun, eating sundaes.

"I think we have enough alone time, Keefe," Sophie said, licking her spoon clean. "And what's 'Team Foster-Keefe?'"

"That's our team name!" He exclaimed excitedly, jumping in front of her. "You can't change it."

"I didn't plan to."

He waved his spoon at her. "You'll come to love it one day."

Sophie nodded in mock agreement. After a moment, she tapped the hood of the car with her knuckles. "Why is it called Mister Jaeger?"

"It's a German car."

"Jaeger is German?"

Keefe shrugged. "I honestly have no idea."

Sophie sighed. "Fantastic."

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