Niall Gets Protective

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Niall had been extremely protective of you from the moment you stepped out of the hospital after your overnight stay for your dehydration and Braxton Hicks Contractions. He constantly had his arm around you and hardly let you out of his sight.

Tonight was the first night you and Niall were going out after your stay in the hospital. It had been about a week, and you had spent the majority of that time on the couch or in bed. Niall had insisted on doing everything around the house. He did all of the cooking because he was afraid you would slip on the slick tile or hurt yourself cooking near the stove and oven.

You were in your master bedroom, getting ready to do a load of laundry before you had to get ready for your double date with Liam and Cheryl tonight. You bent down to pick up the laundry basket off of the floor to carry it down to the laundry room.

"Y/n! What the hell are you doing?" Niall yelled as he dropped the car keys he had in his hand and rushed over to take the laundry basket out of your hands.

"Niall, I can do a load of laundry," you said.

"Babe, the doctor told you to take it easy and not do any heavy lifting." He said.

"Niall I don't think a laundry basket can be considered heavy lifting." You said.

"Babe, just let me do the chores around the house, okay?" He asked.

You sighed as you looked into your husband's beautiful blue eyes. Even though you wanted to argue, you knew you would lose. Niall was the most stubborn person on the planet when he wanted to be, and you knew this was one argument that he wasn't going to back down on.

"Okay, you win." You said as you held your hands up in surrender.

Niall's lips curved into a smile as he set the laundry basket on the floor. He then took a step towards you and wrapped his arms around you as he smiled down at you.

"I love hearing those words." He said before he leaned down and placed a kiss to your lips.

"Don't get used to it." You said as you smirked up at him.

"I'm serious though, baby. You have to be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you or the babies. Please just take it easy...for me?"

You looked up through your eyelashes at your husband. His eyes were scanning every feature of your face. His lips were curved into a small smile. You could see how much he loved you just by the look in his eyes.

"I will take it easy...just because you asked me to." You said.

"Promise?" Niall asked as he raised an eyebrow at you.

" I promise." You said.

"Thank you. I love you so much, princess!" Niall said before he leaned down and gave you another kiss.

An hour later you were standing in front of the mirror before you and Niall left to go meet Liam and Cheryl for your double date. You were wearing the black and nude lace dress, which was the only dress currently in your closet that fit you and your baby bump.

You smiled as you ran your hands down the front of the dress and admired your baby bump. You were now at the 20 week mark, one week away from your ultrasound where you could find out the gender of the babies if you and Niall choose to.

As you looked at your reflection in the mirror you started to think about the twins. You wondered what they would be. Would you have two blonde baby boys who were miniature versions of Niall? Would you have two little bright eyed baby girls who were like you? Or would you have one of each?

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