Delivery & Meeting the Babies

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You were wheeled into the operating room and a screen was raised just below your breasts so that you wouldn't have to see the incision being made or any of the gory parts of the delivery.

"We're almost ready to start." One of the nurses said. "I'm going to go get your husband."

A minute later Niall came into the room in full operating room attire: Shoe covers over his shoes, scrub shirt and pants, a mask, and one of those funn hat things, and took a seat next to your head.

"Ready?" He asked as he looked down at you. You could tell that he was starting to feel a little nervous just by his expression.

"Yeah, are you?" You asked.

"Yeah, I've been waiting a long time for this moment." He said.

He leaned in and gave you a kiss and then the doctor leading the c-section announced that they were going to start.

You felt a little bit of pressure when he put the scalpal into your skin but you didn't feel any pain thankfully.

You looked up at the ceiling as you breathed slowly. You had an oxygen tube in your nose to help you breath a little more easily.

You were trying to put on a strong exterior, mainly for Niall, but inside you had butterflies in your stomach. You were a little scared about Aiden because your doctor had said that his heart rate was showing that he was a little stressed.

You didn't realize that a tear escaped your eye until Niall reached up and wiped it away with his thumb.

"Shh. Don't cry baby. Everything's alright!" He said.

You turned your head and focused on Niall. His beautiful blue eyes had a slight glimmer to them as he smiled down at you. His roots were almost grown out and only the very ends of his hair were blonde. But you didn't mind. You loved Niall with his naturally dark hair color. You reached out and ran your hand over the scruff on his chin and face. He smiled as he leaned his face into your hand.

"I have loved you since we were 18. Long before we both thought the same thing. To be loved and to be in love. And all I can do is say that these arms are made for holding, ooh. And I wanna love like you made me feel...when we were 18." He softly sang to try and get you to calm down.

One of the nurses looked down at you from over the screen and smiled down at the sight of Niall softly singing to you to keep you calm.

"You're doing great, baby." Niall said before he started singing again.

"Kiss me where I lay down, my hands pressed to your cheeks. A long way from the playground. I have loved you since we were 18. Long before we both thought the same thing. To be loved and to be in love. And all I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you. And I wanna a love like you made me feel...when we were 18."

"We're almost there, Y/n. I can see your uterus." The doctor who was performing the procedure said.

A minute or so passed and then you heard a loud cry and you smiled as you looked over at Niall. That was your baby's cry.

"It's a boy! Time 1:32 am September 13." He announced.

"Aiden's here." Niall said as he stood up to get a peek at your son.

"Congratulations, dad, would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked.

"Sure," Niall said. He stood up and the doctor handed him the scissors and instructed him where to cut.

Then the doctor held Aiden up above the screen so that you could look at him for a moment before a nurse took him to be examined.

You looked across the room to where two nurses were examining Aiden and put a stethoscope on his small little chest. You watched as the nurses wrapped him in a blanket and you heard his cries start to soften.

"And here comes Baby B. It's a...girl!" The doctor said. "Time 1:37 am September 13."

"Ady's here." Niall said as he smiled over at you.

Just like with Aiden, the doctor gave Niall the chance to cut the cord. Then the doctor held Addison up so that you could look at her before she was handed off to a nurse to be examined.

"You did great, baby. They're both beautiful." Niall said as he leaned in and gave you a kiss.

The nurse brought Aiden who was wrapped up in a blanket over to you and Niall.

"Would you like to hold your son, Mr. Horan?" She asked.

He nodded and carefully took Aiden from the nurse. He smiled as he looked down at his son.

You looked at your husband holding your son in his arms. And when you saw the two of them together you pictured the years to come. Taking him to football practice, and teaching him to be a charmer just like his daddy.

Then you watched as the nurse brought Ady who was now cleaned up and wrapped in a blanket also. The nurse carefully put her in Niall's other arm so that he had both of them in his arms.

You once again pictured the years to come. Taking her to dance classes and Niall teaching her to ride a bike for the first time. And scaring away any boy who dared try to date her. And you knew in that moment that you had never loved someone so much and that letting a boy band be such a huge part of your teenage years was the best decision you'd ever made because it led to this moment and seeing your husband hold your two brand new babies.

**Author's Note**

Well guys here is the last part of the labor & delivery. I am so thankful for all of the votes and comments you've given me on the book! I can't express to you guys enough how much all of your support means to me. I really hope you guys like this one! I'm so happy with how it turned out considering that I was scared to death to write because I didn't know much about births. But after doing some research online and talking to a few of my friends and family who have had babies, I felt a little more comfortable writing it. Thank you guys again for all the love and support! You guys are the best! I probably won't post anything new for a little bit. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do as far as the next book(s) go. I'm not sure if I want to do the Wedding Series for the other boys or a Niall Baby Series...or possibly both! So until next time thank you all for the love and support! You guys are the best! I love you all!! xxx Kaley

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