Getting Pregnancy & Parenting Advice: Y/n's P.O.V.

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Hey guys! This is another chapter that I decided to combine two requests in. mansi_v_ sent me a request for a chapter where Y/n gets advice about the pregnancy from Johannah since she has twins. I also got a request from nialls_girl_2010 to do a chapter where Y/n watches her episode of Say Yes to the Dress and I thought the two fit together pretty well after I wrote this chapter. Hope I did you guys justice and that this chapter is what you were hoping for!

Also as I was revising and rereading it I thought it was a little confusing at the end to figure out what Y/n and the girls were saying as they watched the episode and what was being said on the show so I decided to italicize everything that is happening or said on the show so it's a little less confusing.

One final thing I would like to take a minute to say thank you! You guys continue to give me support and I am completely overwhelmed by it! I can't believe this book has 15k reads on it already! You guys continue to amaze me! Thank you guys for being the amazing readers you are! 

Hope you guys enjoy!


It was a warm summer night in London and you were throwing a girls' night at yours and Niall's house while Niall was in Ireland spending a guy's weekend with his dad and brother. It was probably going to be the last time he made it home to Mullingar before the babies were born; because his work schedule was filled up for the next few months, and during the last few weeks of your pregnancy he promised that he wasn't going to work or travel because he wanted to be by your side since you could go into labor at any time.

You had some of the One Direction girls over at your house: Lou, Lottie, Gemma, Anne, Johannah, and Maura. Denise had also come to spend the weekend with you since the Horan men had taken over her house.

All of you were gathered in the living room in the middle of a Say Yes to the Dress marathon. Your episode of Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta was supposed to air tonight for the first time and you decided there was no better way to watch it than with some of your closest girls.

"So Y/n, how's the pregnancy going?" Denise asked as all of you waited for your episode to come on.

"'s alright. The beginning was awful because I was always sick. The morning sickness was terrible. But now that I'm into the second trimester I'm feeling a lot better." You said.

"I remember when you didn't know you were pregnant, you were always so sick." Denise said.

"I'm so glad I don't have any of that anymore, but I'm so nervous. I've never done this and I don't know what to expect. There are so many things to think about." You said.

"What are you nervous about? Or what have you been thinking about?" Johannah asked.

"Well I've been thinking about the gender. I have an ultrasound next week and we can find out the sex of the babies if I want to. I don't know if we should, or if we should wait. And my doctor has asked me about a birth plan and I have no idea what to do there." You said.

"Just remember that you aren't in this alone. This is something you and Niall will go through together. But we'll try to help you. Okay so you mentioned a birth plan. There's two routes to go really: you can go to the hospital and have the baby there or you can have an at home birth and have a midwife. I've always been comfortable with my OBGYN so I just went with the hospital route." Johannah said.

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