Shopping for the Babies

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You were at the 22 week mark of your pregnancy and you were starting to panic. You didn't have ANYTHING for the twins. You didn't have a single bottle or diaper in your house. You weren't prepared to bring home one baby, let alone two.

"You okay?" Niall asked as he looked at you as the two of you were eating breakfast together.

"Ni, we don't have anything for the babies." You said.

"The babies won't be here for at least a couple months." He said. "And Greg said you get tons of stuff at the shower."

"I know, but we want to have everything ready for them. I mean we don't have any diapers, bottles, or clothes for them. I don't want to rely on our friends and families to buy everything for us. What are the babies going to wear? What are they going to sleep in?" You asked.

"Okay, I get it. We need to do some shopping." He said. "Why don't we go today?"

"Really?" You asked as you smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm not working and we don't have anything else planned." He said.

The two of you finished your breakfast and then you got out a notebook and paper.

"Okay let's figure out what we need before we go shopping."

"We need everything babe." He said.

"Well I know that, but let's think about it. I don't want to just go into a store and buy everything we see." You said.

"Okay so let's start with the nursery. We'll need cribs and blankets for them." He said.

You wrote those two items on the list.

"We'll need a changing table and a dresser so we have a place to put clothes." You said.

"And a hamper and a trash can for clothes and diapers." He added.

"Okay next we'll need clothes for them." You said.

"Lots of clothes." Niall added.

"Okay what about stuff for the car. We'll need two car seats." You said. "And a double stroller."

"A diaper bag." He added.

"Definitely a diaper bag." You said.

You and Niall continued adding things like bottles, bibs, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, and other essential items for the babies. By the time you were done you had two pages of items that you would need to get before the babies arrived.

"Niall this is a lot of stuff." You said as you looked down at the list and then looked up at him. "And it's not going to be very cheap."

"Don't worry, princess. You know money isn't an issue." Niall said.

"But this stuff is going to cost a fortune!" You said. "We have to buy two of everything!"

"Princess, don't worry about it. You know we have the money for it." Niall said as he stood up and came over to stand next to you as he looked over your shoulder and read over the list.

Even though you were married to Niall now, you knew that buying everything you would need for two babies wasn't going to be cheap. You knew the two of you had the money because of One Direction's success, but you hated to think that he had to pay for everything since you didn't have a job.

"I know we have the money, but it's still a lot of money. I'm not use to buying this much in such a short time." You said.

"We'll figure it out, baby." Niall said as he rubbed your back.

Niall Horan Pregnancy SeriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ