Talking About Finding Out the Gender

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It was the day before your 21 week appointment and ultrasound. You and Niall had yet to talk about whether or not you wanted to find out the genders at the ultrasound. You want to find out the gender so that shopping for the nursery and clothes will be easier, but you aren't sure how Niall feels about the subject.

"Hey Ni, can I talk to you?" You ask as you walk into the living room where he was watching a Derby game on TV.

"Sure, what's up babe?" Niall asked as he picked up the remote from the couch to pause the game. You took a seat on the couch next to him and looked over at him.

"Well tomorrow is my appointment, and we can find out the gender at the ultrasound if we want to. I was just wondering what you thought about finding out the gender.

"I think it's silly. I don't get why people find out the gender. I think it's part of the special moment when the baby is born to find out whether it's a boy or a girl." Niall said.

Your face dropped a little at his words. You honestly thought Niall would want to find out the gender.

"Oh." You said as you tried to figure out what else to say.

"Why? Did you want to find out the gender?" Niall asked as he looked over at you.

"Well yeah, actually I did. I just thought it would be easier to shop for clothes and that kind of thing if we find out the genders. Then we know if we need girl things or boy things or both." You said.

"I'm sure they make stuff that is gender neutral." Niall said. "I don't think we need to find out the gender just so that we can go shopping. I mean they make tons of baby things in yellow and green which are neutral colors."

"Well that's not the only reason. Don't you ever wonder what the babies are? Whether you're going to have boys or girls?" You asked.

"Of course I do. But I think the surprise of the gender makes the delivery that much more special. I mean it's not really a surprise if we find out now. And those things aren't 100%. What if they tell us we are having girls and we buy all pink stuff and we end up coming home with two boys? I don't want my sons wearing pink everyday..." Niall said.

"I get that, I do, but they aren't wrong very often. Everyone I know that found out the gender of the baby ended up taking the same gender home. The ultrasound is 99% accurate." You said.

You and Niall went back and forth for another twenty minutes and you soon realized that this wasn't something Niall was going to give in to. But you didn't know if you could go another four months wondering if you were having boys or girls or one of each. The curiosity had already been killing you, especially since you knew that you could find out tomorrow at your appointment.

Maybe the nurse could just tell you what the babies will be and not tell Niall? But then you knew at some point you would let it slip to Niall.

You stood up and walked down the hallway to your bedroom so that you could grab a pair of shoes and a jacket. You thought maybe going for a walk and getting some fresh air would help you clear your mind.

"Baby where are you going?" Niall asked as you came back into the living room with your shoes and a jacket on.

"I'm just going to go for a walk." You said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Niall asked as he took his feet off the coffee table and sat up.

"No, it's okay. I just need some fresh air." You said.

"Babe, it's nearly nine o'clock. It's dark out, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Why don't you let me come with you?" Niall asked.

"Because I just need some time alone to think." You said.

Niall Horan Pregnancy SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora