Baby Shower Part 2

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Once everyone had had their fill of goodies, it was time for Niall and I to open the massive pile of presents that was in front of the fireplace. Considering our baby shower was fairly small, with only close friends and family, I was shocked at how many presents there were.

"Okay so we're going to have Y/n and Niall open up their presents now!" Maura said as she got everyone gathered in the living room.

"Hey Denise would you want to write down the gifts and who gave them so that I can send thank you notes out?" You asked as you looked over at her.

"Yeah, of course!" She said.

"Can I open the first one?" Niall asked as he looked over at you. He had a huge smile on his face and he reminded you of a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Sure," you said smiling at him

Maura handed Niall the first sack and he immediately ripped the tissue paper out of the bag. He had a confused as he pulled a backpack out of the gift bag.

"A diaper bag?" Niall asked as he looked at the bag.

"Close. It's a daddy diaper bag. It's a little more manly and a little more practical for a dad to use than the typical diaper bags." Greg said.

Niall opened the bag and was surprised to see that it was already stocked by Greg and Denise. They had included all the basics that a baby needs: Diapers, wipes, a small bottle of baby powder, a bottle, a bib, a burp cloth, and it included a changing mat so Niall could change a baby anywhere he needs to.

"Thanks Greg and Denise. This is perfect!" Niall said as he smiled at his brother and sister in-law.

"You're welcome. I have one for Theo and I love it!" Greg said.

"There's one other thing in the bag." Denise said as Niall started to set the gift bag to the side to open the next gift.

"Oh." He said.

He reached back into the bag and pulled out another diaper bag, this one was more of the "traditional" diaper bag.

"This is a diaper bag for you, Y/n. It's a double diaper bag, so it holds more than most of the diaper bags. But I think that will be helpful since you have two babies to pack for." She said.

"Thanks Denise. I've been wanting to get a diaper bag! This is perfect!"

The next gift was from Maura and her husband Chris. They gave you two sets of bottles for each of the babies. For Aiden there was a blue starter pack of Phillips Avent Bottles, the brand that you had been wanting. The second set for Aiden was a 3 pack of Phillips Avent Bottles with cute little blue and gray bottles on it. For Ady, they gave you a pink starter pack of bottles and a 3 pack of pink bottles with pink and purple flowers on them.

"Thank you guys! I'm sure we will get lots of use out of these!" You said as you smiled over at Maura and Chris.

"You're welcome, sweetheart!" Maura said as she gave you a warm smile as she looked over at you and Niall.

The next gift you opened was from Liam and Cheryl. They had got you an entire of bag of adorable baby clothes. There were 5 onesies for each of the babies, plus two sets of netural onesies that either of the babies could wear. They also got you some sleep n plays, pull on pants, and cute little booties.

Niall had opened the first few gifts so he handed you the bag for the next gift. You gently pulled the tissue paper out of the top of the bag, rather than tearing it out like Niall had. You smiled as you pulled out two boppy pillows: one with a mint arrow pattern and the other with a peach/coral mint pattern on it.

"Who are the pillows from? There's no name or card?" You said as you looked around the room.

"That's from Lou and I." Danielle said as she smiled over at you.

"Thank you guys! These are going to be a life saver at feeding time!" You said.

Harry's gift was next and you were a little scared when you saw Niall get up and bring two large boxes over to the sofa where you were sitting.

"Should we each open one?" He asked.

"Yeah." You said as you smiled over at him.

You and Niall both took the yellow wrapping paper off of the boxes. You smiled when you saw that Harry had gotten you and Niall the Swing and Bouncer that you had been wanting.

"Thanks Haz!" You said as you smiled over at him.

"You're welcome! I know you've had your eyes on them for a while." He said.

You and Niall continued openeing the rest of the gifts from other close friends that had come to your shower. Some of the gifts included: two baby carriers for you and Niall to use, bassinets for the first few weeks at home, mats for tummy time, diapers and wipe, and little rattles and other little toys.

After all of the presents had been open you leaned your head on Niall's shoulder and smiled as you looked around the room at some of your closest friends and family. Your shower had been perfect, and you and Niall had gotten so many things that you needed for the babies.

**Author's Note**

Hey guys here is part 2 to the baby shower. Hope you guys like it! I just want to take a minute to say thank you to each and every one of you. I know I sound like a broken record because I say this all the time but you guys really are the best! I probably would've given up on writing by now if it wasn't for you guys. Because you guys keep me going on the bad days when I have writer's block or are struggling for an idea. And you guys always send me ideas for chapters, and I love that! So THANK YOU guys for all of your love and support! It means the world to me! xxx Kaley

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